10 / 10
Dec 2022

For those who do not know him or never followed his tv shows, or if you know exactly who he is and are just as saddened as any die hard fan by this. The great "Jason David Frank" committed suicide yesterday on "November 20th 2022". He will forever be missed and brought so much joy to millions of kids in the 90's to the 2000's! Me and my sister would watch them on tv together it's just so sad.
This is the man behind the mask! I can' believe he's not here anymore :cry:

From left to right - Billy, Trini, Tommy, Jason, Kimberly and Zack!

It's morphin time

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

Hey "Mighty Morphin Fans" do you remember this?!

We all grew to love and care about him! He will be more than remembered! "Rest in Peace"
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    Nov '22
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    Dec '22
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Mighty Morphin was a big part of my childhood. I remember being captivated by the Green Ranger's story when it played out on UK TV.

It was so cool to see him come back in later seasons as a mentor character too, and when he turned up in the live action promo for the BOOM comics Power Rangers series. He'll be missed.

Rest in Peace, Tommy.

You and me both! This really did make me very sad and I am sure everyone else is just as sad.

Thank you so much for posting this! I didn't know the former sentai green ranger made a tribute in memory of him, so much care and appreciation for someone so great. R.I.P - Jason David Frank

No problem. I figured it'd be a good thing to share in this thread as well.

Apparently JDF actually met with some of the Zyuranger cast at the past Morphicon fan events as well.

Yes it was! And I guess I should have figured he knew the sentai crew or at least met them before. He was very popular more than a lot of people really knew!

1 month later

closed Dec 21, '22

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