2 / 7
Dec 2

Last year Raikiri hosted a Christmas party, and it was so much fun that they’re doing it again.
This year everyone is having a massive feast, I’m looking for characters from your stories to join them!

Simply post down below the characters you want to join in the fun, and what they will be doing at the dinner table. Chowing down on their favourite dish?
Hitting on another character?
Flipping the table over and getting into a fight over fork placement?
Be creative so I can make it as chaotic as possible.
Make sure to include artwork of your dudes if you can (character sheets would be the most helpful), but writers can get in on the fun if you can describe your cast as clearly as possible.
Also don’t forget to give them a festive outfit, or I’ll be assigning tacky sweaters accordingly.

And make sure to link your work, or any social media you wanna push.

Submit as many characters as you like! We had 33 last year, and I wanna top that at least!

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Aw I love stuff like this.

Frankie and Destiny from Free Falling. Frankie could be contemplating stabbing someone with a knife while eating pie, his giant antlers purposefully poking/bothering people. Destiny could be having a cooking competition with some other characters, gloating about her pie being better than the others.

You think The Elsie Gang AND these guys could join?

Jane made some cake and The Houdini Brothers would be happy to do some magic!

Jane also is bringing Oliver too.

And the men of the hour… The Brothers Houdini!


Yep they’re here Harry Houdini and Theo Hardeen

They’ll bring some Hanukkah stuff too which should be fun.

Wait! Bess! She has to babysit them!

So this doesn’t happen again…

Or this!

It’s mostly Harry lol.

I've already had this drawing prepared in advance for some time in case a collab like this occurs. This is Ragnar, dancing with his love, the Princess Libenor. As you can see, she's in an elaborate dress. It took a while to draw this dress. Ragnar on the other hand is dressed in an ascot.

Also my Instagram account.


And my Facebook page.

Hi there! I have never done this but I’ve seen many others doing this and would love to participate :sunglasses: here is my comic.

And here are some reference pics of Bella, Jack the donkey, and all of the barnyard bunnies. It’d be really cool and cute if you could draw Bella and Jack giving all three bunnies a ride on their backs as the group looks around at what other characters are doing.


Please do!
Thank you very much for doing this!
Could you please draw him

Character references



He doesn't celebrate Christmas in his culture and religion so he is a bit confused on what to do, and surprised that the atmosphere is so casual for something he thought as so holy. Maybe he could be helping around, observing the other, or asking when is the prayer going to start.

He is from here