1 / 73
Oct 2024

Wanted to do something where we get to know our fellow creators,so name a couple of random facts about yourselves.

  1. I have three tattoos, clock with gears,a ankh and eye of Horus.

  2. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons.

3.I love sweets but have been cutting back lately.

4 . One of my future characters will be based on my husband’s character :blush:

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 72


  • 975


  • 1


  • 156


  • 35


ohh, there is a typo in your title honey, it says arthur rather than author.

Here are four facts about me

  1. I love baking and creating recipes
  2. I'm biethnic African American and Dominican
  3. I cut my hair short the spring before I turned 18, so it's just getting back to shoulder length now
  4. my favorite food is probably sushi, but I love everything with cheese in it too

Hi! I'm an indie author with soon to be 8 books on Amazon.
I have 3 girl cats. (Orange, Black, Grey Tabby)
I'm personally boring and channel all my interesting thoughts into my stories.

This is fun!

  1. I also have three tattoos: a spider, a skull and crossbones, and a portrait of Joe Strummer. I had surgery on my arm where the spider is, and the surgeon managed to sew me up just right so spidey's legs are still attached to her. Now, the scar kind of looks like part of her web.

  2. I go running three days a week, lift weights three days a week, and go climbing once a week. I have to be active, or I get bad depression and anxiety.

  3. I love learning languages, but I'm very bad at them. I've studied Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and Italian (in descending order of competence). I'm still actively studying Chinese. I'm decent at reading and writing, okay at listening, and terrible at speaking.

  4. My day job is editing for a website/magazine, and my side gig is editing fiction. I'm obsessed with arcane grammatical rules and spelling, but I try not to bring those preoccupations into my personal life. But hit me up if you ever need an editor!


1) Been here over a year and still don't know what I'm doing
2) I'll be turning 33 in November
3) I have a weird obsession with drawing chickens.
4) I used to write a lot, but never published.
5) I forgot my link

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1) I'm much older than you think. I was in highschool when some of you were still in diapers.

2) Filipino

3) I work with metal. Weld, sandblast, paint, move them around. No I'm not an engineer. Been accused of it at one time...

4) I'm into rap metal. Limp Bizkit, Linkin park, slapshock are some of my favorite bands.

Hmm, some random but interesting facts...

  1. I just graduated with a degree for Creative Writing this last spring
  2. I've got one short story published, and am trying for more soon
  3. The webnovel I'm writing started as the background/lore for a character in another novel I was writing.
    Because of the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney, though, I decided to go ahead and fully explore this character!

If you want to read about it, check out my story here

Hi all!

  1. Albert Einstein was alive when I was born, although, in theory, he's not a relative.
  2. I write, compose music on my computer, and do photographic art.
  3. I walk a lot -- in my dreams.
  4. I try to learn Spanish for my Mexican wife. It's hard. I'm scared to say hola to a Mexican because they start chattering in Spanish and then I have to say No Nintendo,

My brother and I share a birthday, but we are not twins. He was born three years before me. That birthday itself is another oddity: Boxing Day, 26 December.

I am an automotive mechanic by trade, and I’m gay. That’s rare enough, but my real name actually reflects this. It’s Carmen. Car. Men. I was powerless to resist.

I do not drink, smoke, or do drugs. I don’t even drink coffee. It’s not that I have anything against anyone who does any of it (my father and brother are both alcoholics, and I smoked like a chimney from the early 1980’s until 2001 or so). I just don’t have any taste for it.

I live on the east coast of Canada, in the province of Nova Scotia. I take my Canadian-ness very seriously, and go out of my way to use Canadian spellings (which are similar to British spellings), such as Colour, Honour, Doughnut, Grey, and the like. I say “out of my way” because autocorrect on my phone often tries to thwart me. If it doesn’t just take it upon itself to change a word, it will underline it red as though it were misspelled. And, for the love of God, Z is pronounced “Zed”, not “Zee”. I will die on this hill. Except when saying “ZZ Top”, which is the only circumstance where Zee sounds right to me.

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Boomerz has nothing to do with age, its the bad guys in Bubble Crisis, one of my favorite anime when I was growing up.

  1. I was in college for six years and never graduated (all my college burnouts say hey!)
  2. I have ADHD and one of my telltale signs was rewatching shows or watching shows for small children, even the ones that were part of Disney Channel/XD or KPBS. (I was 19 and watching Dinosaur Train lol)
  3. I have two cats, they're sisters born on the same day. One is a healthy weight and the other...well, let's just say she's juicy.