23 / 28
Jan 2022

The protagonist hates sweet, so you cannot give him poison-laced Halloween candies.

Also another character when asked will repeat the verb negative/positively instead of simply answering 'yes' or 'no.'
"Did you do that?" and he answers: "I didn't."
This causes me some difficulty of checking his dialogue.

I think if the character trait is at least used for a funny joke, it counts as relevant. By that definition, I try not to portray irrelevant character traits :stuck_out_tongue:

Main character loves to flirt.
But so far he's not getting any occasions to, so I guess it's an irrelevant trait.

Fact #9: the Eldritch Guest doesn't actually have a head.

Fact #15: Gil is very allergic to sunflowers. He can probably be killed by a sunflower field.

Fact #61: Summer doesn't like watermelons. She doesn't trust them. :watermelon:


Gunhild is a metalhead. This adds nothing to the plot, but it's cool

Adi isn't ticklish. Like, anywhere. (Koreal, unfortunately for him, is very ticklish.)

Koreal has been begging a neighbor of his for years to stop. growing. ZUCCHINI. Really, it's getting out of control!

Danivere sucks at singing, but she does it anyways. Also Andrew is afraid of going to the barber.

Shadedancer's sister is a hair stylist. If it weren't for her, he would look a little more grey, so he visits her once in a while lol

I love putting in details like this, so there are little things about the characters that help flesh them out, but don't impact the plot. Examples:

Rekki is left handed (which is why her sword sheathed is on her right hip). She's also slightly long-sighted, and while she can read without glasses, she tends to need them when she needs to read a lot. Her best subject in school was maths.

Subo is vegetarian and a pretty good cook. He did a year and a half studying medicine at University, then dropped out, largely due to struggles with depression. He sometimes needs to be on meds for it.

Sarin is lactose intolerant and gets drunk extremely easily. She's always wanted to write a romance novel. Her dice collection is absolutely ridiculous and she keeps them in a wooden box that looks like a treasure chest. She hates coffee and has a bit of a sweet tooth.

Jules despises the colour yellow and prefers to wait until a clock hits a number ending in 5 or 0 to start a task. They're also gluten intolerant. If their hair wasn't tinted deep purple by their magic wavelengths, they'd actually be blonde!

Ellis hates bread. He describes it as wet sponges and having a bitter taste. It's going to be constantly mentioned because of his ability.

Aster’s hair changes colour during the winter season to a white /silver.

Makna likes to listen in on gossip.

Lan and Ehamil are very creative, so they're both great at their "homely" duties, like spinning, weaving, cooking, and tailoring. Since they're the oldest sons, they have to be good at these things to get married (lol).

Lan himself likes to draw, and he's a voracious reader. Wonder who he got that from ? :thinking:

Hain is a well-trained fighter, but he's got a serious temper when he feels that something is unfair. That's caused some problems, for sure. He's also left-handed !

Duenna can't say words relating to sex. She worked for kids for a long time and she just kind of physically can't talk about sex. She doesn't swear either but that's a choice, she just can't say words relating to sex, it's not possible. And she's fully allo, she's just kind of like this.

One of my characters literally speaks multiple langauges but she NEVER used any of them

Also, my 22-23 yr old MC believes in cooties

Baxtor has noticeable fangs, but he is not a vampire, and it's just a congenital trait he inherited from his mother. Some characters make a remark about it jokingly or offensively.

Andy's natural eye color is dark brown, almost black. He got them blue through a cosmetic operation (in other stories there are other reasons), because he wanted them blue (he likes the color and wants to match his family looks). This means nothing for the plot, and the only downside is that his "new" eyes are light-sensitive and uneven in color.

Loll I have an 18 year old character who is an absolute boomer towards technology XD

My main character is allergic to peanuts and has very sharp canines. and his fiance really likes anime far enough to turn him into a weeb
This has no baring on the story

1 month later

closed Feb 17, '22

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