153 / 163
Apr 2021

Here’s mine,
it's ongoing, and I often make changes, like grammatical ones, and dialogues(tho not major plot changes, those are fixed.)

Results of the first Writing Contest are out on Archdale's main website3. The art giveaway winner will be drawn in a few days.

Thank you to all participants, and good luck in the drawing!

Daily new story posts continue on AVB.

9 days later

Wow, this sounds like a really interesting project. Super tempted to join your discord.
Here is my first novel! Being updated weekly. I appreciate the read.

Oh hey, this sounds like a fun discord,
I'll tag this so I remember to check out when i'm off work hours.

In the mean time
Here is my story

Glad to have you in the Discord community! :smile:

Sounds good @djourner, hope to see you there! It will be some time when I get to your story as I go in chronological order in this thread as well as on other writing websites I cover, but rest assured, it will be done.

Your story, Rising of the Red Tide has been read, assessed, and listed on Archdale Virtual Bookshelf. I'll get to your other book recommendations soon! :smiley:

It would be amazing if you could take a look at my work, I'm always looking for more feedback

Happy to join the community! I tend to lurk until I feel comfortable but I do love reading others posts. Seems like a fun group.

@tateufel Lurking is completely understandable, haha. But everyone is welcoming when popping into and contributing to conversations. The activity does fluctuate from quiet days or hours to sudden bursts where I check and see a hundred or so new messages in a channel. :laughing:

If you or any community member has any suggestions for the server or website, they are always welcome! Currently, I'm in the midst of planning another event after finishing two about a week ago.


It would be a blast if you could read my novel. If you have any comment I would appreciate it :smile_cat:

Hello, all of your story recommendations have been read and indexed on Archdale Virtual Bookshelf. Thank you for sharing!

Hello, everyone! The next episode in my web-novel comes out tomorrow and I release each Friday. Check it out if you like sci-fi, data, or AI!

Written as an Epic poem, "When Death Meets Chaos" is a love story between the Bringer of Chaos, Dalia, and Death himself.
"-Chaos is born, and what a disgrace for the human race."

It is as the title says, One poem a day, is a personal challenge I made to myself.
Hopefully, you enjoy it.

Please note that all text and illustrations are my own original doing.

Hi! This is a project that I have decided to polish and publish. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of promoting my own works, so here it is! Hope y'alls enjoy.

Hello rkgnumber3, your story has been read and assessed, but because it's only 4 chapters long, it has no Story Post made for it until it reaches 20 chapters or 20k total words.

@delta201 The story link you gave does not work anymore.

@carafox2121 Both of your novels have been read and assessed, and the Story Post for each will be automatically released on separate days consecutively.

Genre: FANTASY, Slice of Life, Romance
Status: On-going

I hope you could read mine, too. Thank you!

Come check mine out if you want!

My novel is new and still ongoing but despite everything, I hope you will enjoy reading it :slight_smile: