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Oct 2020

Recently I made a goal of redesigning past human characters, so far I've finished one of them but the others are stil WIPs
Originally the human cast of my story didn't play a big part or were just there for quick arcs then never seen again, but now they have a deeper part in the story and as such I began to think of them more and of course draw them

that's when I noticed some designs SUCCCCKED as all heck, they weren't very fun to draw either, sooooo

some thoughts and critique would be neat to hear too:
Here is the first redesign of Ronaldo

and how he looked previously

it's just a few tweaks, but I find his color palette and details to be more pleasing and less of a chore to draw
the next two are still sketches so still rough but I still wanna hear thoughts on the concepts:

and how they looked previously:

  • created

    Oct '20
  • last reply

    Nov '20
  • 8


  • 723


  • 4


  • 13


  • 2


Oh i love these! they look great and its so cool to see where each design came from and how they evolved

I've been drawing this one story for a good many years with a few stops and starts. When I picked it back up last year I had grown so much as an artist that I took the opportunity to freshen up their designs and make them a little more ambitious(at the time). Baring all differences in relation to my growth in technical ability, I think the updated versions look pretty good but still call back to the original designs quite nicely.

One of the many major characters from my webcomic series here on TAPAS, as well as WEBTOONS and PATREON.

The Dwarven Wizard Grumps first conceptualized in 2003 and redesigned in mid 2019 and again around October 2020.

Fantasy/Action/Comedy Comic Series

presently at 124 Episodes and 217 Subscribers.

The new designs are an improvement.

You could use some shading on the art, even cut colours would work.
And change/darken or lighten the BG colour palette as the characters are kind of merging in with the BG.

Character designs are my weakness, and I'm really lazy with them, probably because... I've got a butt ton of them for my main character. And that soured my taste for any new character design later.

I initially came up with in 2001, and continued to change him for about 7 years. Then I centered around a design that I continued to tweak for the next 12 years. His appearance is finally where I want it.
This picture is kinda a great example of the journey. The one called OG is the original version I came up with in 2001. Even after this picture, I've got probably about 50 more character designs for him alone.

And as Rip appears in the comic now

Here's a couple old pics too for the heck of it.