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May 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Every month of the year, your mental health matters. But during May( and October) you can get tips and resources from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to learn how to take care of your mental health.

Here is a drawing exercise on 9 positive mental health steps to staying mentally healthy.
I did mine, now you try.
Post them on your own page sight and tag me at #LifewithLee.

  • created

    May '24
  • last reply

    May '24
  • 4


  • 462


  • 1


  • 2


I am thankful to be part of this May Mental Health Awareness.

These are the mental awareness that I keep and how I look at life positively regardless of the down moments I have or encountered in life. Life is not an easy road to take. So, it is a good thing we think about our well-being.

Mental Health Awareness.jpg

This was more inspiring than I thought it would be!
Pardon the changes, but I needed a better resolution for my scribbles. Enjoy!

Thank you for this, I really needed this! I'll be sure to post/tag it on IG promptly!