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Jan 2023

Hello Tapas Peeps!

I have a comic that I've been doing for about 2 years and the issue I had is my original illustrator had to bow out due to family issues out of their control. I didn't want to stop making comics so I found a new one whose style was slightly different but in doing so some readers didn't understand the change and others enjoyed the change. If I wanted to reboot would it be frowned upon if I deleted everything to restart with some changes in the art style even if the overall product isn't 100% different? I know people are overly concerned with losing likes and comments.

If you'd like to read it before I make any decision it can be found here.

  • created

    Jan '23
  • last reply

    Feb '23
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With the amount of comics you have I'll say if its just a style change not a writing related onre continuing in your new style would be the better course of action here. At most a little notice at the top of the episode announcing the new artist change. Webcomic readers are used to jumps and style changes either way. As long as its readable and and the design is still of quality you got nothing to worry about. It takes some time getting used to, but readers will get used to it

If the style is that drastic you can over time replace existing art with the new artist's style in the beginning.

The only reason I would say scrap it all is if the original artist request the old comics be taken down.

Maybe at most edit the 1st few comics and mention there would be a style change for bit after wards. So when the art does shift a bit it wouldn't catch people off guard.

But honestly its to you

I think you gotta do what you gotta do - it's hard to balance working on a project sometimes. If the main story is not effected, then I would say continue on. Scrapping everything and starting over would take time/work for that artist - that could go towards moving your story forward and future updates.
Just maybe give your comic readers a head up to what's going on.

you’re pretty far in and has a good follower amount. Are they engaging with your story at the lvl you want? Do you want to risk the current audience level for a reboot that might get better engagement? Are the changes you wanna make big enough to warrant reboot? A better art style might grab more new readers but you risk losing some of your old ones.

Personally, the art style change youve made doesnt warrant a reboot by itself, but take the above into consideration if there’re any other changes to story

1 month later

closed Feb 3, '23

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