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Sep 2020

Those are really nice. There's a lovely sense of movement and balance to them and the poses read very clearly. :smile_01:

The next step is to try to develop some of your favourite ones into more finished character drawings.

this is great so far! I love gesture drawings! I would recommend finding landmarks for anatomy on the inside of your figures--right now you have great landmarks for the silhouette, like the hips and the shoulders--but nailing the inner landmarks like the belly button, the nape of the clavicle, the V you get on your lower back (not all at once obviously because it's a short gesture). Those can create natural S curves across the front that can quickly define the volume of your figure and really help direct the action more and make them more 3 dimensional.

I'm not super great at explaining this, but basically inside stuff. Muscle stuff. You can draw the volume inside of your gesture more, so long as it's clean and not confusing.

I think these are great, and im so happy to see more starting and warming up with 15sec poses caus it seems to have been lost alot?
You capture the gestures and flow of the pose well!

i would recommend looking up "Force drawing" with michael mattesi !
its just another way to get that flow into gesture drawings that have helped me alot ^^

I don't know it there is a right and wrong way to do gesture drawings. the whole point it is to capture the pose, and energy of the figure, which i think you have done a good job at. But, if you want to improve more, try fleshing them out here and there, Like run an hour of 30 second ones, and then one 5 min. one. You will feel like an art god with as much as you can get done in that 5 min. it also helps you practice other techniques such and lighting, clothing, and anatomy. Then go back to your 30 second ones. You can isolate parts that you want to improve on as well.

Well, check out Posemaniacs if you really want to push your skills more. :smiley: They even have timers and such there too.