266 / 1471
Oct 2022

At 53 subs. Aiming for 75 this year

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: A story about a half-demon teenage girl lost in a world where everyone is out to get her.

Back in the 1800s, demons invaded Earth and took a sum of their land. Of course, it starts a new era with pre-established pools of magic on both sides at war. Along with that many discoveries are made from the burning bridge between the realms.

Hello people!
I'm a new creator and am in look for viewers. If you are into romance genre please do give my story a read and drop your valuable comments too.
Thanks and regards,

9 days later

English translation in progress


Saiko, General de la banda de los Lobos Negros, durante su travesía en busca del segundo ojo de Umare toma descanso en Alazana, pueblo que protege uno de los 5 pilares, donde se están llevando acabo extrañas desapariciones de... ¿Bebés? Como último bastión de la protección humana su deber es investigar el singular caso antes de continuar con la pesquisa del ojo.

Heyoo! I'm making my first long-form webcomic
So for my first milestone I'd like to reach 25 subscribers!!
Give it a read and lemme know what y'all think :blusht:

Summary:Tired of the magic world, a soul mage decides to leave and live in the human world instead. Things get complicated when he gets roped into being a highschool student plus superhero. With all the villains to fight and mysteries to solve, can he manage the many roles in his life?

As a first milestone for my comic, it's 25 subscribers for now, even if it's seemingly an impossiblity to even reach more than 10 by the end of 2023 I guess.

Summary: Man suffering from trauma of his young days wants to fulfill a promise to his late father - to become a hero. However, with a coincidence he became a knight sworn to fight a curse that secretly sweeps the broken hearts... including his own.

I think 25 subs would be a nice milestone for me, I've got 11 so I'm getting there!

My comic is call Something Very Silly Indeed - regular doses of nonsense to make you feel all tingly inside! Comic plus equally silly description/explanation.

I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please check out the other comics and consider subscribing :blush:

8 days later

English version now available!
goals: 30 subs, 1.000 views, 100 likes

Saiko, Black Wolves great general. During her journey for the second eye of Umare she took a rest at Alazana, a town that protect one of the 5 pillars
where are diappearing... Babies? As the last bastion of human defence her duty it's investigate the case before get back to the Umare's eye quest.

Really trying to reach 25 subs by the end of this month, some help would be much appreciated.

My novel is a dark fantasy action filled story, heavily inspired by numerous mythologies, vairous different ancient languages, spirits, war between gods, and ofcourse, demons, yet in this case they are depicted into something much different! Please give it a try!

15 days later

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity! Here is my novel. The first chapter is dropping very soon(the prologue is already out).
Kahil is...or was the crown prince of Koqnia until a man of mysterious origins named Rahzan sunk the kingdom into flames. Faced with annihilation, will a miracle happen during Kahil's last moments?
[New Chapter Every Sunday(All Parts)!]

In this first half of ACT 1 ~

Alexander; a young prince of the Southern Kingdom, the youngest and often compared to his older brothers because of his failings. With the annual hunt close at hand and having come of age to participate, he finds himself having to disprove this notion while in the presence of his father and other noblemen.

But things go awry. And soon leads to one disastrous thing after another.

Check out BLACK ARROW - Latest episode just posted. Subscribe for more episodes every Friday
