HeyHo! I just launched my series Souls&Fangs! 
(available on both Tapas and Webtoon)
I really hope to get at least 25 subs this month, let's see how it goes. ^^

Souls&Fangs tells the story of Shen, a vampire bound to working for the Syndicate, and Nazomi who couldn't resist the huge bounty set on Shen. Trusting her magic abilities Nazomi overlooks her lack of experience as an agent and soon has to deal with the consequences.
And getting closer to Shen was not one that she expected.
There will be action, there will be romance, there will be lots of magic insanity.

Updates every Monday and Thursday, starting the 10th of July.
#love #vampire #adventure #Action #magic #supernatural #lgbtq #urbanfantasy #slowburn #EnemyToLover