20 / 86
Feb 2024

I have a self-insert character I use whenever I draw myself interacting with my characters! Her name is A.G. and she looks like this:

For the forum or any other platform, I use whatever I'm in the mood for representing me. Like here, I use a character from a different franchise and just add some details that fit me. (On Discord, I just use a panel from the Chainsawman manga with Denji on it.)

And this is how I draw myself. Just straight up the pure essence of myself. (And funny hats I like to wear. :eyes:)

8 days later

lol, they can be cute-ified versions of yourself. they're all a little different from our true selves, for instance, i'm not monochromatic pink

Naw, that was how my hair sat on my head back in those days. (pic in my blogger if you'd like to know)
Never cared for the pelvisman, more of a Priest, Maiden, Sabbath fan,

My logo is a self portrait and my profile picture too

Me as a princess for no apparent reason...

Or is there a reason?

I hope I’m not too late to this lol i haven't drawn myself in this style before so it was pretty fun, although i did a fair amount of soft pastel self portraits in college! Sadly, I have no butter bee :< but here’s a face reveal I guess!! :0??

Check this out!

Me and my writing partner

my original

her recreation

I'm diverging, but this is a doodle of my brother I drew. It's his birthday, so everyone say how handsome he is: