46 / 81
Feb 17

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This was technically yesterday, but I just got another poem except for publication!

11 days later
11 days later
23 days later

I got an honorable mention for the "L Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future" competition. Hopefully if I keep practicing i'll actually win one of these years.

getting encouraging comments is always great. I'm happy for you

I finished an assignment early today ig? I got to nap too. So yay I guess.

One reader said some nice words when I was felling bad after the views for my webnovel dropped hard.

the weather got really warm today (90 degrees! :frowning:), but late this afternoon it rained a bit unexpectedly.
It was really peaceful and refreshing, and the petrichor is lovely.

Warm weather is great at this time of year

I heard the birds chirp for the first time this morning in months!! I think they’re back for Spring :smiley: just last week there was still snow on the ground, it was pretty but excited for the change in season.

Also yesterday we got a birthday cake for my dad but the girl at the bakery was new so she wrote really terribly on the cake “happy birthday dad” BUT I adored it, it was so much funnier than it had to be. I didn’t tell her that of course I just thanked her, but it literally made me smile so goofy. I think my dad will get a kick out of it too :sob: my brother and I think it looks like the Harry Potter birthday cake.

I don't know the Harry Potter birthday cake, but that does sound cute. also happy birthday to your dad. Birds chirp year round where I am, but I did see a whole flock of parrots the other day which was awesome

I got another honorable mention lol. Why do I feel like the tastiest chocolate cake nobody wants?

The cake looks something like this XD

Except I think ours was even more scribbley/wobbly. It was just a premade cake but we asked if they could write on it so they did it free of charge so we really appreciated it either way lol

That is awesome actually! We don’t have any parrots where I am, most of the birds aren’t very colorful but I think they’re still cute. But a flock of parrots sounds vibrant!!

Honorable mention is still really good! Most people in the competition did not get anything, for perspective. Also judges can just be wack, it’s all down to personal taste so even people who are good don’t always get the recognition because for some reason it isn’t clicking with the judges. For my art I think I’ve only ever gotten honorable mentions too or nothing at all, but I know I’m a good artist so I feel your sentiment too.

Awwwwe! It’s so cute! My mom made that too!

I used to really really be into Harry Potter as a kid but you know tastes change and stuff. But I still love that!

Let’s see my family got some fresh donuts this morning! That made me smile. I had two chocolate ones! :yum: