18 / 49
Sep 2018

Uh, I have a lot of panels that test my mental sanity, because I like being detailed XD
But the last page I draw it was challenging for the pose.

For me is this one, I never done a panel involving more than 3 character...add to it the school setting and it was a nightmare to do O_O

Is for my relaunch comic so I haven't use it yet!

I don't usually deal in this kind of detail work and I hate straight lines and hard edges, so this page really kicked my ass! I'm actually dreading the next couple of pages too bc they involve a similar amount of torture. I weep ;u;

what app or software you work with? some has a perspective tool that really helps.

Interior shot of everyone working hard in the bridge!

Drawing a ship is one thing, drawing two ships another... but two ships actually connected is definitely more difficult! I also forgot to add in the damage from the battle so I have to fix up this panel later too...

I am so glad I have a minimum of characters in my story, so I don't have to worry about crowd shots >.<

Though this may not look so difficult, I had a hard time with this panel. Especially that table that didn't align with the rest of the perspective >.< also I'm not strong in environments.

spire doesnt have a lot of fancy backgrounds at the moment but this alley always takes a while to draw

and im not at this scene yet but heres a background i premade for chapter 4, i had some trouble with the lineart layer and had to manually splice it into the fore/midground

That's such a tough question to answer! There are soooo many panels that were a challenge, I think I draw something like that almost every other page. But I guess this one would be the hardest, at least of the recent pages.

Not so much because of the perspective, but because being someone who doesn't drink I don't have a whole lot of experience with what a bar looks like. I had to observe the shit out of tons of bar pics, and I still wasn't totally sure what goes into the layout of one as far as what's tools are mandatory, and how the placement works. It was also tough with the bar patrons since I was drawing other creator's super stylized character in my style.

paint tool sai :confused: its a great program, but it doesnt have a perspective tool. I use reference images for things like this.

tip for you. for something like that closed shutter i would just draw three lines on a layer and the copy the layer and move it until i have enough to complete the shutter then flatten them together. it's quicker than drawing all them lines.