24 / 32
Sep 2020

We adopted a German Shepherd from a local humane society earlier this year :heart: Does that count as an accomplishment? It's something that's made my entire year better, so I count it as an accomplishment.

If it doesn't then, I bought a couple tiny plants earlier this year and my Wandering Jew has grown like crazy!! I'm about to buy it a bigger pot because it's thriving so much!!

Consider my parents only have three years to live in Kuwait with me until I have to live without them because any foreigner in Kuwait reach at the age of 60 will have to leave and head back to their country origin (yes, this is a thing in Kuwait) I have to find an opportunity to take care of myself and nothing is more important than having jobs.

I have worked as a graphic designer in San Ramon company for nearly one and a half year and get paid for only 250 KD monthly which is not enough to even pay a rent let alone food and drinks.

So I decided to find another job but so far, every work as a graphic designer only pays you from 200 to 400 KD at best, so what did I do? I decided so long as I am still young, I will take the chance of having a second job and finally I got one, being a graphic animator in a company called Muwaqaa.

Of course their monthly pay is only 300 KD for the 100 day trial and if I succeeded, I will potential get 350 to 400 KD. that is still not a lot but planning to work in two companies, I decided to work in Muwaqaa from Sunday to Thursday at 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and worked for San Ramon mostly at home Sunday to Thursday from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm plus Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. That way, I could get paid for at least more than 550 KD, that's like close to 1800 USD or potentially more. That's enough for paying my rent and save some for my needs and wants,

That may sound like I'm killing myself but at least I am doing something I love, being a graphic designer and I'm happy for that.

Although I am planning for a third job ^^;, but not from a studio or a company or any business, but using my hobby as a comic artist turning into a profit in the future with the aid of my skill as a graphic designer, possibly making merchandise and lore videos on Youtube. I am planning to use Patreon or Kofi or possibly both (if that is allowed) once I am done with my first chapter of the comic Mukhtar.

I hit 17 subscribers
I got cool fanart
I fully edited a video for class on a program I never used before

I started playing Pokemon Go as something to do when I went out on walks. I've been losing weight and getting healthier as I learn to work with my body and my plethora of food issues/allergies. I've been feeling better too.

I've also started in a much better and mentally healthy job position. My bosses, today, have been going around to check up on everyone in our department and they brought me a cookie.

So many varieties of accomplishments here! I'm glad for all of y'all. This year has been hard and to see others keep going like y'all have is super awesome

As an owner of a German Shepherd mix, that is absolutely an accomplishment. They're the sweetest dogs! And a lot of energy; mine has exploded 3 collars so far :joy:

I've made it to this day, regardless of how hard the days before were. So I'm proud of myself!

I managed to keep my self-care garden alive. Ish. It got eaten by bunnies and voles a few times, and this one time we accidentally hit a water main and it got water everywhere and we had to turn off the water for over 24 hours--but now it's doing great. Got a whole mess of beans and tomatoes!

The other day I was able to sleep for 12 hours straight. I haven't felt so well-rested in years.
Thank you brain, good job there.

I wonder if I manage to sleep 15 hours plus a nap I will become an overachiever. :sweat_smile:

Oh my gosh!! That one blue eye!! I'm guessing husky is the other part of her mix then?

I want to get christmas photos done with my husband and our crew... I'm not sure how easy it'll be wrangling them all together for a photo though :sweat_smile:

Well, just passed 100 subscribers and we haven't been around too long. :smiley:

We're getting the hang of Tapas slowly and surely. Posted our first mature comic and started a novel here as well.

If we can offer people advice, just be patient, update regularly, post on your "wall" often, be friendly with everyone and tolerate the haters, and you're going to succeed. :slight_smile:

My accomplishment would be to finally stop being a scaredy cat and publish the novel I've been filling up my mega password protected computer with for around five years. :joy:

Ah, thanks so much for the subscribe! That art is courtesy of an artist nicknamed Roy Wolverine, and he's actually quite a celeb. He's been doing animated TV cartoons since the 80s. :smiley:

I know it's just a game, and it's just Fortnite, but I got 9 eliminations in one of my matches today. I've never done that well, and it was all because I chucked a boogie bomb at a player that I then eliminated. They dropped a golden gun, and then I got the rest of my other 7 eliminations from there.

It's a possible little accomplishment, I suppose, until it becomes a big one. :smiley:
Today we're doing a full read-through of a screenplay we wrote before sending it off to a producer of "Outlander", "Psyche", "Eureka", and a few other TV shows. He seemed really excited about the synopsis and we're hopeful he'd like to pick up this screenplay and develop his first non-TV movie. So yeah, fingers crossed. :blush: :blush: