19 / 20
Mar 2021

Hey guys, I have seen a lot of threads about novel/comic promotions, but nothing related to youtube. As I run a (semi) active channel, I figured out might as well share it with you guys. In exchange, I would to also support other youtube creators in the writer/comic/weeb space. If you have one, please link it in the comments so that I can give you that sweet sweet engagement!
Here9 is the link for mine if you're interested:

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 19


  • 892


  • 12


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I'm more than happy to follow on youtube! My channel is where I upload my StoryTime Chit-Chat's from Twitch along with some stuff from my other streams.

I blab about my novel's lore while I draw. I uh...gotta update so bad though. XD

Hello, I am publishing timelapses to promote my future webtoon.

Your channel seems to have interesting content, I’m not very interested in reviews but maybe later I’ll take a closer look at the videos.

Hey, thanks a lot! Just subscribed to your channel!

Thanks fam, I checked out your vid on Solo leveling and subbed aswell

@Yorth I subscribe to you. I really like your YouTube channel. However, if you don't mind me asking. How are you using videos of anime and stuff but not getting copyright strikes? I have been copyright strike so many times I can't even count them all.

Anyway, here is my YouTube Channel, called Never Studios. I post my podcast, Geeking Around, where my cohost and I review things like anime, comics, video games, movies, etc. I also post time-lapse videos of my comics or illustrations. And sometimes skateboard videos.


Here is my channel. I am mostly a speed-paint artist right now, and not super active at the moment due to school and a lot of other life things that kind of railroaded me, but I have the process I did for my novel cover and other things up and plan to go more in depth on my novel and art related stuff as schedule allows ^_^

I uploaded only speedpaint videos by now, but just prepare a "Hoe to webcomic" video :slight_smile:

I usually download AMVs and use footage from them. They already went through all the trouble to avoid being copyright struck so that makes it easier for me. Also, I'll definitely check out your videos, seems really interesting!

Thank you, like I said I keep getting copyright strikes. I hate having to take the anime out of my reviews videos because it just makes it kind of boring lol.