14 / 16
Jan 2016

Hey Tapastic!

I love shorter stories, particularly in comic form! I love writing them (I've got a couple updating on here right now) and I LOVE reading them. I'm particularly on the lookout for short stories that aren't just mini versions of giant multi-arced epics, but which use the kind of conventions that prose short stories use to make an impact, with a visual twist.

Since I'm new here and amazing comics abound, I thought I'd make a thread just for shorter stories. Whether its an anthology of comics just a few pages long, or comics like mine that are nudging up to that 50 comic line, this is your place to post! Could be your comic, or could be one you're a fan of.

(Just to make it clear, this thread isn't for stories that will eventually be over 50 pages long, but haven't got there yet. It's for stories that are designed to be short)
(And my definition of a short story being under 50 pages is pretty arbitary, but I work out that takes 15/20 minutes to read, like a longer prose short story might.)

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 15


  • 2.0k


  • 11


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  • 14


My absolute favorite anthology of shorts is Silent7

The shorts are unrelated but share a common theme, at least that's what I've noticed from the two up so far.
The art is beautiful, and everything is conveyed effectively without dialogue.

Prepare for feels and tears.

I have one called Gone Fishing which is more of an anthology that expands on the world of my main comic Cosmic Fish, so a slight head's up on that if it isn't to your taste as you said the "mini versions"? However you don't need to have prior knowledge or be following the main comic to understand what's going on. It just has the same characters but with different themes and art styles in every chapter since each is a self-contained story.

GF only has one chapter where one of the guardians finds a toy. So far and it's about 8 pages long so there's that! (The pages have pretty big height though so it's more like 32 pages)

It's meant to be read like a children's book almost like it's teaching the reader about the so-called "divine forces" that run the world before the ending rears its head in. And there's been a lot of love for that C:

My comic 'Snips'1 is a series of unrelated short stories, all about 10/15 pages

It's about time I report back on some of the amazing comics this thread has brought me to!

@joannekwan Oh woooooow this is some quality storytelling, thanks for sharing!
I think if anyone ever asks me my art/visual storytelling goals, I'll just point at this comic and wave my arms frantically for emphasis.

@jdthomaswriter Is it going to be a short story?

@YamamotoRyuunosuke - I enjoyed reading both of those! Oboete... Kimi no Koto was very sweet, and I thought that Mother Earth was especially subtle and clever.

@AnnaLandin - That's a really clever idea! I've kept thinking of doing a comic for Christmas and releasing it over advent, but I've not had the idea or the time so far. I really love the colouring and the atmosphere.

(I'll have to come back, check out the rest and post some suggestions of my own later, I've run out of time for now!)

It would be fantastic if you could not spam threads. You've made three post on the exact same comic, give it a rest.

@jdthomaswriter Yes, and I wonder if you might find more appropriate threads to advertise in. If you read my original post, I tried to explain that this thread is for short story comics: comics that are intended to be small, quick reads, not comics with no determined end that may fun for multiple story arcs.

Wow, thanks for sharing Silent. The art is really amazing! I just finish reading it. Such a beauty.