5 / 9
Feb 11

So, I announced my break from writing/uploading yesterday and then had the GALL to come up with a whole new story (well, not the whole thing, but you know what I mean lol)

My thing here is, should I work on it anyway while its still new and shiny for me or hold off to focus on my three other unfinished products once I feel up to working on them again?

Feel free to voice your opinion :blush:

  • Go for it!
  • Focus on DF, EoH, and TST!


Votes are public.

  • created

    Feb 10
  • last reply

    Feb 11
  • 8


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  • 14


Pardon the paragraphs, but I think it's best to take a break and keep focus. I legit just had this happen to me, though slightly different situation. Got distracted by a new shiny project (which was inspired by a darn contest). My problem was I focused on it for a month and forgot to upload a few eps of my main series (which JUST got back from hiatus, lol) Honestly had this idea for a while, just was waiting for an "opportune moment" to do it, oops...and now I'm thinking it won't get published by the deadline, so why did I bother?

I get that one benefit of having a new project is the thrill of doing something new, and that can somewhat help get your motivation back, BUT you'll soon have another project to juggle against your other works, and that is horrible for productivity! If you had only one other story to do, then I'd vote "go for it", but you have 3 now, so I wouldn't advise it unless you are absolutely unmotivated/bored with your current batch of projects.

I'd suggest breaking away 100% from writing for a little bit, maybe jot down any new ideas or outline them if only to get them out of your head, but don't execute them yet. Keep your main 3 as your focus until they are finished. I think finishing versus starting is a better creative goal, but that's my honest opinion as an ADHDer.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Honestly, thank you for that :blush: reading that made me think a little more on the whole thing and I realized it's just more fun to play with the idea for now than actually sitting down to write it. I even have a title in mind now and it sounds AWESOME :laughing:

Anyway, I'll give my break the respect it deserves so thank you once again, Sensei :pray: lol

I say work on it now while you're inspired, though maybe don't start posting it just yet lol

Write down the main points of your new story so you don't forget them and finish you older projects.

It can be fun to do a very small project when inspired, but you owe it to your readers and yourself to finish one of your projects before beginning a new large one. Readers won't be interested in starting your stories if you have a reputation for not finishing them!

It is widely known that starting a new project is more fun than finishing any old project. But that never ends. :grin:

I think maybe you should definitely save the idea in like notes of ideas for after you are done with your other series. That way you could give optimal focus on each of your ideas for them to turn out just as you wish. This is actually what I do myself (lol I have like 10000 ideas in that notebook 🤣) so that I can balance all my other ventures (work and stuff) with my wonderful hobbies (art, dance, all that jazz) And remember, taking a break is never a bad idea, especially if you have other important things to tend to (again, speaking from experience as I take my indefinite hiatus). Hope this helps! @fearthedeer724