18 / 59
Feb 2021

This is my current story, a Fantasy/Mystery/Comedy webcomic

The adventures of Toby, who basically struggles to do anything.

Greetings! This is my pride and joy, Menmar! I hope it's to your liking!

Hello there. We have many comics that you can look from, so i'll just link my entire profile:

Here's mine if anyone is interested in action, supernatural seinen/shonen like series


Here is my sci-fi fantasy adventure! :slight_smile:

A more serious take on the fantasy worlds we know and love. Check it out and remember to enjoy!

My two comics! Check them out, if they interest you!

Page 50 of my comic just went up today!
Give it a shot if you like goofy sci-fi adventure!

Here's mine, hope you like it :grin:

This is my current ongoing series dan. If you're into crazy fights then you'll like my webcomic.
