11 / 11
Oct 2024

So, a lot of people had shared that worldbuilding is one of their favourite aspects of writing fantasy, so this is a thread for folks to share aspects of the worldbuilding in your comic/novel to others, whether it be races, magic system, culture, etc.

If I Die Tonight, Can You Remember Me? is set in a world called Elthrea. It's mostly inhabited by humans, although mythical/fantastic creatures like dragons exist. The world mostly follows regular natural laws, so don't expect weird gravity, seasons, and the like.

One of the main fantastic element in this world is Anomalies. They're otherworldly beings that causes a lot of damage & destruction wherever they appear in. They are categorized into multiple types depending on the type of damage they cause. Usually incorporeal, but their presence distorts waves of their surroundings, so they can be detected by a wave-sensing device called the Aural Compass.

Anomalies can possess humans, and when they do, they can be attacked physically, and if their host dies, the Anomaly disappears with it. They do get access to the host's powers though, and they can evade the Compass's detection, so sometimes the benefits outweighs the risks.

Haven't really worked out all the details about the world yet. Think I'll just figure it out as I go

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    Oct '24
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oooh ooh! this is my thing:

Phant fact number 1:

Faun horns are made of keratin, just like fingernails. So when fauns want to hide their horns or pretend to be human they can file them away or cut them. It doesn’t hurt, and they’ll grow back, but, again, like fingernails, it’ll take a while.

Also, it’s just a real pain to try to file them away with an emery board, and nail clippers are never ever big enough for that, so they have to use a special kind of serrated blade sort of like a little bread knife. But for horns.

Phant fact number 2:

Mermaids are, in fact, venomous. Their venom is a neurotoxin and an irritant. They can’t make this venom on command, it is part of their body’s panic response and is a variation of their saliva that happens when they believe they are in danger.

They can use this venom by spitting it onto people, in which case it will burn, not like acid, but like when you get spicy pepper juices on your skin. And if this venom gets inside your body it will paralyze your lungs. They don’t have to bite you for this to happen, you’ll be paralyzed if it makes its way into our mouth as well, but the reaction will be slower. So basically no spontaneously kissing a mermaid without her permission unless you literally want to die.

Phant fact number 3:

Fairies can hold onto a pregnancy as long as they like.

Fairies have the ability to keep a fertilized egg in their womb dormant for an indefinite period of time. Even decades. They can decide on their own body temperature at will, and by keeping it cool enough, they can keep the egg in a sort of stasis where it will not grow into a fully developed child ready to be born unless the mother wants it to. This is a tricky balance though. Naturally, if left to their own devices their bodies will automatically stay at a temperature appropriate for the gestation of the child, but if a fairy is not extremely careful, she can make her body either too cold or too hot while trying to keep the egg dormant, thus making her body inclement.

Cool I got some tidbits to share.

Forest Fact 1

The Old Ones created the world of Adamas and Tholdir God of souls created the afterlife so that mortal souls may have a place to rest. Mortals and The Old Ones did at one point get along very greatly. However something happened to damage their relationship.

Forest fact 2
The forest that our main character and her brother grew up in does not show itself to anyone else. There is a hidden doorway that presents itself only to them . Think of the lost forest like Adamas Eden.

Forest fact 3
The Old Ones await the return of a being called the Sheep’s Egg and dread the return of the Goats egg.

Forest fact 4
Adamas has 5 major continents each has hundreds of countries.

The world in my latest novel is as mashup about stars, Gods and hunters who want to protect their world by defeating the monsters lurking in the towers that invade earth. It has some classic elements of the tower type stories floating around but hopefully it has enough of my own twist to it :slight_smile:

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14 days later

A bit about the power mechanics in my universe, since I don't think it was clear enough when I described it in chapter 3.

Basically, a Gatekeeper receives their powers by fusing with a compatible Spellstone, and compatibility is based on matching attributes.

I guess if we're comparing it to a game, the mobile alchemy simulator by ProudHorse Games called Potion Shop have the best analogue. In the game, brewing potions are also based on matching attributes of ingredients. For example, brewing a potion for wound healing requires the "Regeneration" attribute, and so you mix different ingredients possessing that particular attribute. But each ingredient have 4 different attributes, leading to possible combinations like:

Ingredient A + Ingredient B = Potion X
Ingredient B + Ingredient C = Potion Y
Ingredient D + Ingredient E = Potion X

In Elthrea, it's kind of similar. Two people can fuse with the same type of Spellstone and get very different powers because they found compatibility with different attributes. Or, two people can have similar powers despite fusing with different types of spellstones because the compatible attributes are the same.

Just finished drawing this so felt like a good opportunity to talk world building.

The all-purpose plot insulation/magic system of my story, Raikiri, is called Raiden.
It's a bio-electrical field that all things radiate to some degree or another.
And the flora and fauna of the setting, the continent of Sephron, have all sucked up a large degree of it, causing beasts to grow to a massive size and plantlife to take on unusual properties.

The house here is made from Frost wood, a plant native to the snowy northern region of Tenshi, which is both immune to the cold and can reach subzero temperatures inside. It's a common material in refrigeration but living in a house made of it requires treatment or else the occupants will find themselves freezing to death faster than in the snow.

Different nations have different plantlife.
The only other country I've explored so far is Affe, which is home to firewood trees that are immune to burning, causing the entire country to become overgrown.
As a result each country has it's own colour scheme.
I look forward to exploring other locals down the road, each one based on a real world country (Tenshi is based on Japan, Affe is based on Germany).

The humanoid races of Sephron, Demankind, learnt to harness their Raiden energy for combat purposes, giving rise to the Mercenary guild that fight for profit using their Raiden enhanced skills.

Traditionally Deman build their homes into existing mountains and trees, living as one with nature rather than seeking to conquer it.
In fact synthetic homes make most Sephronians uncomfortable.