92 / 95
Oct 2019

Hello! This is my comic Realm of Men. Like and subscribe if the comic brings out smile on your face. Feel free to advice on the areas I can improve. Thank you :smile:

hey there. here’s mine if you wanna give it a look I guess

My friends and I are working on this fun October collaboration :smile: and we're having a great time!

The version on webtoons is different than my tapas one.

Honestly, Mine only just started and I'm excited to show it off so far since Ive been working on it awhile. ^^'

I love this idea! Here's mine :slight_smile: It's also on Tapas, but Webtoons is my main.

Hey :slight_smile: Thank you for dropping your comic here. I really like it.
I have a lot of marvel comics at home and really like the american comic style.

Thank you all for posting your comics here. Now I have a lot to read :smiley:
I close this thread :slight_smile:
(I don't know how to close it really, so this must be enough)

Topic closed

You tag an admit like @ratique

If you could please help summer with the request?

Will take a look.. Here's mine

closed Oct 15, '19

Closed upon request