33 / 82
Aug 2020

The world is full of people, i don't know why people need to put one point of view above the others! i really don't like the concept of protagonism, in my comic i always think as "who i want to put in the focus right now" and "how much this character is hiding" because if reader see his inside toughts the surprise will be gone.

i'll comment on your concepts, here's my first impressions:

the first two contrast a lot, i love the synergy between their hights and colours, and hairs and expressions, ways of dressing, they are so different it seems like they are made for eachother. and kink is awesome :slight_smile:

the trio have a different feeling, the yellow eyes push a lot of my attention, i like this character personality. the other two have that numb traumatized or hypnotized vibe to them. i love the clothes, very nice details!!

Lucifer is sexy. i wanna read that. would love to wear a lot of the clothes you illustrated, you are really sharp on the fashion, wow! your devils as a whole have that queer happy mean lets have some fun vibe!

Sorry haha sometimes my english may sound weird, what i was trying to say is that they look like riots, with rock'n'roll style

In my series i'm the illustrator and co-creator, i would never try to translate myself the words, it would be bad hahah but i like to socialize more, so i try to communicate as best as i can. XD

ooooohhhhh oh okie now i get it. And i never imagined they would give off that rock and roll vibe at all. That's new.

i like the proportions a lot! the separeted parts like the hat and the mask float or is just for the concept art to know each detail separeted? the thinking behind each piece is really interesting!

i love this since the moment i saw it, the character have a really strong expression, the clothes are very unique, is it cultural? i love the shapes of the torso, the triangle on the top of the boot that matches with the triangle end of the skirt and the triangular sack with writings in another alphabet. love it!

the kids (?) design is awesome, the girl's hair is so cute. you have a lot on control on shapes, i want to read your comic, seems like a fun adventure!!

@nathanKmcwilliams I think there are no rules to art, only diferent gimmicks. you don't have to do a process if you don't feel like it would add to your art!

Your character seems very strong, i like fiery weapon and the confident full of rage eyes!

You subscribed to The Action Fruit Society season 3 remember?

I Loved Bertie clothes, all the blues are going really well toghether, the action concepts are sooo awesome, i can't wait to read your series, this must be such a success, congratulations on your amazing art!!

i like the geometry of your shades, your detail is very accurate! i love the sword. the tiger king seems so docile, i like it a lot.

Mas olha só, mais um brasileiro aqui hehehehe. Dá uma passada no tópico dos Quadrinhos Brasileiros :wink:

Here's mine from Flower Field. The designs kinda changed with time and I never get to make new ones XD

Nossa, eu vou procurar esse tópico agora, obrigado pela dica!!!

Suas concepts estão lindas! super completas, 25 expressões para cada só na concept, wow, adorei! tem bastante detalhe interessante, gostei das roupas, da cicatriz do peito, a sensação poetica do olhar dos personagens...

Thank you! ^^ The parts float to know each detail separated ^^ I thought of what would be the basic tools a plague doctor would have had and adapted it into my style :smile:

Fala colega! I'm also a Brazilian artist! Here are some concept artworks for my scifi/fantasy webcomic "Everdream"!
This is my protagonist, Cozmata:

Her moms, Keen and Nimbus:

A hero named Lady Stardust:

I have a couple more, but these are for the main characters. It's great to come back to your roots every once in a while.

My webcomic: