130 / 332
Oct 2024

This picture is legit so tiny, but here's a pic of Kattar I drew yesterday on a big sheet with some other characters

@pjthetoonaddict Nice they are literally daddies too :joy: That one with baby Rin (behold a child) is super adorable! Look at the tiny cuteness! And he's an awesome dad taking Rin to the con, the onepiece referance is awesome. Dhalsim from SF? Yea also had a ton of fictional crushes in that series Ryu, Charlie, Guile, Adon and Psychoman Bison :joy: Fighting games on a whole inspired me lots as an artist

Cly being fash in hijab, yep look like you had fun and this man's never stops being full of styles :sunglasses: :star:

@Leyelle Legit tiny yet legit awesome :art: Nice clean linework too :thumbsup:
That reminds me of how my friends always laugh at how id always draw on the corner of a page and never the center :joy:

Here's some fellas from an old Fighting Game Idea from years ago (it got discontinued but recycling them as a fictional anime series in Sickboy webcomic, at least for now. Had an idea to make a female character an Anime Otaku so she'd have some of these guys on her posters, keychains n stuff)

This one was still a wip, loosely inspired by one of my schoolfriends who was a big bruce lee fan and then i turned him into a character too 🤣

And Nori Too, back when I was trying to pose em in more action poses and in total Anime Phase

Another with Nori from my Deviant Art, had never finished painting the headmistress,

That hair! Ohhh yes that hair!!

No one

My brain:

He’s cute for a 1900s guy :heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes:Yhep your Houdini love rubbing off and me and I totally agree :joy:
I love this date pov too :muscle: No more nightmares of liminal spaces for sure :fist:
Yhep, headmistress had some crazy hair, her theme was time and basically she used to go super Saiyan and roman numerals used to pop out :joy:

@abigaillmartin Definitely tons of hairgel :joy: She was giving Jhonny Bravo and Paul from Takken a run for their money

When she get furious it blows open into crazy long locks, basically always be on time when attending this school :joy:

Okay but Theo was a hunk in his own right!

His hair is so curly!

Also just like his big bro…

He was jacked up

But Harry is more my type.

I woke up with terrible stomach pains… don’t worry I’m okay now but surely I had to share real photos of these two magicians

Hey you speak German right?

Would you mind translating this for me?

If you can read cursive that is

@abigaillmartin yea theo also handsome and yep Harry being all superhunk in that last picture with locks and chains :muscle: totally seeing the look they went for him in Clone High version

Hope ur stomach pains fully went away :muscle: and yep share away these old pics are such a cool glimpse into the past, 1899 :camera_with_flash:

@Lensing yep curious to see this transilation too :+1:
Yhep these photos r awesome

Randomly remembered this photo of a guy looking like he was from this era, n some use it as a claim of "supposed time travel" handsome dude with his anime hairstyle n all​:sunglasses:

This came up on same google search, dunno if this real either but damn!

This is so great! This is most probably a german immigrant who
made this photo in NY and sent it to his german mother.
He wrote it in a pretty casual style and also made a lot of typos
+ mixed up letters (almost in every word). This is what it translates to:

My dear mother, hey that´s me, give me a kiss
your ... (whatever his name is)

Yes Harry Houdini was an immigrant and he was born in Budapest Hungary
He moved there from Hungary when he was 4 years old in 1878
His real name given at birth was Ehrich Wiesz
But then the family changed it to Weiss
Harry’s German, at least when he wrote it was pretty rusty.
His mom’s name was Cecilia Steiner Weiss
His family spoke German and I need to know why if they came from Hungary
I would assume it was because Hungary and Austria at this time was The Austro-Hungarian Empire
AND the family moved to Appleton Wisconsin and there were a lot of German immigrants around that area

They spoke german because Budapest (Hungary) was austia/hungary at that
time. Austrians speak german. Erich Weiss is a typical german or austrian
name. So you are right about the Austro/Hungarian Empire.

@abigaillmartin those are cool facts didn't even know he was born in Hungary and the name change. @Lensing and also interesting about Budapest being Austria/Hungary back then. I'd def have to read him and the Austro/Hungarian Empire up when i have some free time again.

That is a rare poster you’re right! This was found at a yard sale

I even drew Harry in the outfit and Theo too

They were so buff and so cute