144 / 335
Oct 2024

They spoke german because Budapest (Hungary) was austia/hungary at that
time. Austrians speak german. Erich Weiss is a typical german or austrian
name. So you are right about the Austro/Hungarian Empire.

@abigaillmartin those are cool facts didn't even know he was born in Hungary and the name change. @Lensing and also interesting about Budapest being Austria/Hungary back then. I'd def have to read him and the Austro/Hungarian Empire up when i have some free time again.

That is a rare poster you’re right! This was found at a yard sale

I even drew Harry in the outfit and Theo too

They were so buff and so cute

I thought I'd share this lil comic.

Lol Amrit trying to politely tell his husband that everyone can hear his music. 🤣

Out of the guys in Galactiquest, maybe three fit the bill? But here's the Celestion-5's resident pretty boy/bishonen/etc. Emil. He's the life of the party, kinda goofy, and the type of guy who will never say no to a friend. With a trusty wink, you know he's got your back no matter what.

No matter what.

His dad is a very paranoid influential figure, which led to some... interesting life experiences.

Oddly enough I feel like a lot of his best pictures were drawn for an AU where he's a space reporter a la Space Channel 5. There's some other sketches I managed to cram in there.

And for fun, here's a picture of him three years in the future, 21-ish.

Here is Psychoborg in all of his cyber sexiness...

@abigaillmartin yep a rare gem at an yard sale, awesome job capturing the bros in their formal wear and cute they sleep away on each other there! Yep you're right buff and cute indeed, imagined they were like the pop idols at that time, before pop idols were pop idols :sunglasses:
That songs super cool and jazzy too, wonder if its Houdini? She even said Harry also wild about her, she got through :muscle::tada:

@pjthetoonaddict love this comic Someone gotta teach Cly how to use these earplugs, somehow I feel that someone has got to be Rin :joy: he's got Amrit blushin and sweating all at once. Some naughty tunes too :musical_note: Whale C. sound like the spiritual successor to that Anaconda song :whale: Somehow I assumedhe was a disco or classical music kinda guy with all that retro class, but i'm totally wrong :joy: :joy:
Additional hello to that hunky ginger-ish customer sitting on the next table :wink:

:joy: @MK_Wizard Psychoborg is indeed cyber sexiness! Joker of hearts and master of making hearts go padam indeed! Awesome concept and inclusion of the bed of hearts, I swear he's giving us a wink too :wink: keep it up! :muscle::smiley:

@bulgariansumo Liking Emil's energy already :confetti_ball: PARTY TIME! His definitely not paranoid dad has nothing to worry about, all the stress of space travel, I'd imagine they need someone to keep them entertained. He's got style and and think I heard about Space Channel, never played it but definitely getting disco-popstar vibes

Speakin of partay bois, the one in pink (Fionn) might be a party brethren of Emil,
none of their costumes 100% finished, right now just practicing cloth simulation in Unreal, planning to have Fionn use party poppers as a weapon, w confetti exploding all over the place :tada:
Was hoping to get more clips of cloth simulation but the desktop video recorder suddenly stopped working :expressionless:

You get it! That's what he keeps trying to tell his brother. :weary:

Yeah, just looking at Fionn, I'd say he and Emil would probably get along well. Nice shirt, by the way, and cool glasses too!

Okay but this one screams “HISTORICAL HUNK!”

His arms!! Mmmmmm!

Had a Halloween party this evening. It was fun! I dressed as Sherlock Holmes!

Yes. It’s yours truly. In the flesh!

@abigaillmartin nice to meet you in the flesh and this Holmes hallween cosplay is epic :muscle::camera_with_flash:
Ended up doin a holmes homage too Evan and Owen surname is Moriarty and one of Evan's friends named Fiddley Haolmes
wishing you a fun trick or treating out there :jack_o_lantern:

And yesss Historical Hunk :fire: thats Henry right? love Black n White photograpy expecially how they capture contrast and a glimpse into the past.

@bulgariansumo exactly, Emil's bro bro is missing out on some rad parties :sparkler::tada: Thanks for the compliments on Fionns shirt and glassez​:pray: ended up inverting the colors and felt a mood for bright pink and ended up loving the outcome :sunglasses: hope to see more Emil on here and keep it up :art:

Harry. Not Henry you silly. 🤣

Eh Houdini has been called Harold many times in media. It’s kind of a running gag every time a new portrayal of him graces media.

I should take a crack at my own Harold joke in Elsie sometime

@abigaillmartin Henry is the secret missing brother of Harry in the multiverse 🤣 i have no clue where henry came from was rushing out the house at the time (today was also a festival called Divali so my family and i went to celebrate it by an aunts house):sparkler:🪔
lol yes you should make a Harold joke in Elsie and thats interesting being inspired when a new portrayal of him show up

Hope you solved those Halloween mysteries and recieved the sweet compesation of trick or treat candies :jack_o_lantern::muscle:

I love black and white pictures too, especially the people who came to Ellis island by boat.
For me that´s the most interesting time in history because so many people from different
european countries came there and it all mixed up.

Here is a german guy, probably a sailor (tattooed chest), this must be around 1899-
early 1900, but I´m not sure, could also be later around the fist world war 1914-1918.
He was a stoaway, maybe he fled from the war

Clyborne may dress fancy but he enjoys junk food and trashy music...as a treat. :joy: