@SwordSong got to check out Immortal and Vagabond - lol i completely forgot about Samurai Warriors used to play that and dynasty warriors back in tge day, thanks to that game anytime i hear Akechi Mitsuhide or read his name in anything Japanese history related, i always think of a handsome youthful guy with long flowing hair 🤣
True, and saw Korean dramas use him as a villian role bec of he was involved in invasion of Korea i guessing.
Also reminds me of Amakusa who also had a villian-ish role in kenshin and ninja scroll series.
Interesting you also have merchant ancestry? Thats awesome you found a connection with him and fun to see how it comes along
True he would have been the minority and misunderstood at the time and yep youre right they were rigid with rules too, i rem at one point they locked off outsiders, on the flipside, they managed to keep lots of their rich culture intact.Nice look forward to your versions of these Korran officers and Hideyoshi.
Random memory: if i remember Hideyoshi was responsible for Mitsuhide defeat, but i forget.
I haven't actually read Vagabond myself (it revolves around Musashi Miyamoto, and is by the same author/artist who made Slam Dunk); I collected several of the cover art and several scanned pages to use as drawing reference, but I'm wary of actually jumping into it because it's currently on hiatus and I'd rather not start a series that might not actually finish
what I mean by having merchant ancestry is that my family do business. I'm actually starting to get into the business stuff myself after a decade of trying to dodge the task (which is why I haven't been able to work on my creative projects too much, unfortunately)
I did manage to finish 1 an old wip illustration for Yukinaga after months of distraction & procrastination, although it's a weird historical crossover pic instead of anything related to the story:
He looks so happy in this pic, which i's a rarity XD
Hi, sorry, I know that this thread is not for this, but I just wanted for people to know that I like your boys so much that I am doing a couple of fan arts of them, based on vibes alone. Mostly lineart really. I need to practice and this is an excellent excuse.
Anyway, here is @LavenderLeavened and @Oriflamme OC's.
I will be doing a couple of more, depending on my time, so please people keep submitting your boys! I will be posting them in bluesky -because I don't want to hijack this thread with my posts-
@Aleksei You can hijack this thread with your posts anytime, awesome lineart and look forward to more
Sorry everyone i took so long to respond and happi march!! And you know the drill keep posting these hunks, and can't wait to take in everyone's posts
Hopefully this weekend
Here's one of Xun with his hair out, his hair's usually hidden in his hat, he about to debut in upcoming episode
Well, if I have permission then here we have what I have done this week =D
@abigaillmartin's Theodore Hardeen,
@grozalyn's Gaius
@IzzyBloom91's Xepholen
@LouisWinter's Rhet, and,
@stiatent's Evan Moriarty
You people have some great characters here. I find myself looking back and fort for a chara that I might have missed.
Anyway, thanks for letting me post this things here, @stiatent! I will try to don't flood the thread!
@Aleksei they look awesome and yes welcome to flood the thread
Evan says thanks too 🤣
Love it! Want to give you a shoutout in a future episode comic as a thankyou for drawing Evan, will DM you the details if you're interested.
Did an awesome job with the clothing wrinkles and some nice dynamic poses too keep it coming
@abigaillmartin is Hardeen one of Harry's bros? Yep icons and true Harry looks short next to him
@eldritchtroubadour Caelan looks awesome the dark/medium grey, red straps and whites are real solid color combo there's definitely a mysterious and kick@$$ vibe to him love the lively feels of your backgrounds too and very eye-catching stuff keep it up
I look forward to the outcome of your shirtless request 🤣
@KevinReijnders Older Zack showing off the goods and some super cool scars too Awesome drawing and look forward to more on here
Hello Doctor of pretty bois
Yep I agree
Your art style gives me the feels of those classic storybooks and nursery rhymes.
Love the way you drew the ears on mr elf & new boy lookin awesome too, love the waves and curls in both their hairstyles. Hope to see more of these guys here keep it up
@amaterasan thats ok and yep he's pretty indeed
He got great taste, i also love fluffy cute creatures too
love the flowing hair and all the ornate and sparkles give him a celestial vibe. Keep it up, looking forward to more Elian on here ️
@justinedesade Hello Lars He got the good looks and the sick beats this boi prolly gonna be the next big music star before he realizes it
Look forward to more Lars on here keep it up
@Lorian sorry I got slow friend, yep he got half blue n purple hair goin on, glad to hear you find it cool some others of him:
@Oriflamme Alphonse looks like he plays rough game of fencing, handsome and refined clothing, love the ornate details of his uniform keep it up! Look forward to seeing more of him here!
Aslo nice homage to Astolfo never followed Fate but also looks like a fun character
Also love these throwaway Ikemen peak military male performance and to keep the girls and the gays heartbeats above peak condition
Awesome attention to detail on their uniforms and great seeing the variety of styles
@pjthetoonaddict that pic was one of those rare moments for Amrit then Meanwhile Cly looking busy reading his book (if that was the same scene)
Hope I didnt forget anyone! Feel free t tell me if I left ya out XD
Wishing ya all success on your March goals!
And look forward to more
@SwordSong nice Musashi is awesome, never saw/read Slam Dunk but heard about it. Googled vagabond, the art is awesome, real cool how the artist drew the wild look of his hair
Yep no stress work according to your comfort I remember feeling like that in before I started mines, but once I did, it became like an addiction to get the next finished so who knows, maybe you might adopt similar drive when you do? No worries as you can always make an announcement for your readers should you need to take a break.
Lol tryin to dodge the fams for a decade XD You sound like a RL manga chara there lol. Don't give up hope, maybe eventually, once you settled in the business, never know, some extra time may pop up for creative stuff
That came out awesome! Love the way you captured the metallic sheen and details on St. Maurice's armor. Yep hes looking happy, very serene and scenic crossover. You did a nice job capturing the distant with your shading, but can maybe look into videos on YT for 'perspective drawing' and 'vanishing point/ one point perspective/two point perspective' if you were planning to capture the indoor flooring and balcony in a realistic angle (unless there was a reason you chose to do so, ignore this). And true these unrelated pics are always fun, look forward to what you draw next keep it up
Yes @stiatent Theo is Harry’s brother. Two years younger than him.