Yes @stiatent Theo is Harry’s brother. Two years younger than him.
@stiatent Yay! Thank you! I would love to recieve that DM. My series its complete, but a bit of traffic its never bad. Specially because I am always drawing something and posting it here and there and some people would like to keep in touch for anything new that I might post. Along those lines, if people is interested, following this link1 to my profile (also in my signature when you click my icon), you can find on the suggested sites my globalcomix account for a NSFW cooperative work -too spicy for Tapas (it was take down a day after release xd), and for an itch account where I have a fancomic of some old DC comics characters -to study better how is the flow of western heroes comic books (most sites don't allow copyrighted characters derivative work, so I had to go to itch to post it).
Anyway, yes, it was a pleasure to draw Evan! Didn't know what shoes he prefers, so I had to resort to the a classic converse model. I will fix that in future drawings, I hope (after I get up to date on your series).
@IzzyBloom91 Yes! I posted it first on BlueSky! Love his looks, but I had to go back and forth looking at the straps to be sure that I wasn't forgetting any detail! Great work in that!
@KevinReijnders poor guy self concious, wonder of anyone told him he look kick@zz with em? XD Nice glad he feels comfortable around her with them. Imagining he gets more accustom to the tough adventure life seeing his scruffyness and scars too, maybe a slight confidence boost too? keep it up!
@abigaillmartin and I almost thought Harry was younger 🤣 two years apart they real close in age then i rem you show me a pic with all the bros before but forgot the order.
@NuclearNerds true someone for everyone in the Wastlend 🤣 He got some jacked lookin arms so some luck maybe on that wasteland. Also...Does my dude have a toilet paper Tattoo?!! That is epic
Great details with all the bits of scrap, he's got someone's gum as a trophy and makeshift weaponry, if u know me my guys usually end up super trashed and muddy so totally love this makeshift-grizzly-darkhumor-postapoc vybe you got going
Keep it up and look forward to more on here!
Gif of Ev between Episode 1 -3 going grimey
@Aleksei congrats on your series being complete
and true bit of traffic never bad and yep noticed you been quick with the fanarts and active, wishing you continued success
You plan to make more series on tapas also?
Lol @ too spicy for Tapas, yea been tryin my best to not get in trouble lol Nice you did a collab comic too then (the NSFW one) Excited to check em out when I get a chance, never used Itch before.
Yep the classic converse looks awesome, going by the comic his shoes and pants won't last long so you can be as flexible as you want XD (eg. the gif above). Thanks, look forward to when you come by and same looking forward to seeing what happens next between Cory and Jael, slowed down a bit on reading as I'm here finishing up another series update for weekend.
@adamjtitus1 Eucireah is a total hunk Is he an elfboy? Love his tattoos and freckles, interesting detail on his coat/top the leaf theme and vines crawling around it
deffo getting a forest elf vibe, am I correct? Keep it up and look foward to more art of him here
@LavenderLeavened I guessed right then, yep storybooks are an awesome inspo
@eldritchtroubadour missed your post, sorry I got slow, just got a chance to respond, all the best on your series look forward to more Caelan on here
@stiatent way ahead of you!
From left to right:
Dr. Leopold Weiss
Bill Weiss
Theodore Hardeen
Harry Houdini
Nathan Weiss
Harry is shorter than Theo
@abigaillmartin Our boy over here looking like he going zombie mode XD
Guessing he biting off his arm ties from a trick right?
Hopefully not a dream with liminal spaces again lol hope you get rest lol
and from previous one, yep Harry looks real short next to Theo nice to see them having fun. Houdini is Harry's stage name right? Wonder how Theodore has a diff surname, a diff father?
@Tursastheeternal Yep you totally have some. These guys are super hunks
Nice mix of super rugged warriors and the clean shaved pretty boy (Aerikus)
Looking forward to more of these bois on here keep it up my friend!
Speaking of, right now I got this one wrestler character for my comic, debating if to make him a Kilted Scotsman, Viking or Barbarian theme.
@Maxouco Can't blame her, means Mr. Bad Guy got his fanbase growing congrats my friend
Awesome artwork, he's got a very sleek design and the grey hair and red eyes are always an awesome combo Look forward to more of him on here keep it up
My MC is a fan of a popular wrestling show World Wrestling Warriors and is seen collecting cards from time to time. Here's one of Crimson Panda (who continues to be foreshadowed till his debut in series )
Hi people! Here is a new batch of your OCs!
Here we have:
@Glofernwolfe's oc, Aekis (or Kiki)
@Lorian's oc, Lorian; and
@MarvinDziamski's oc, Captain Pigeon.
I might have overdone with the last one, but I coudln't resist. There is not much opportunities to use the pigeon brush.
@vieveda these guys look gorgeous the single glowing blue eye on blondie is interesting, nice detail on his crown and robes too
@KennethLopezJr921 Ken got a two in one after training his son then
@Aleksei Looking glad to see the next round awesome my friend!
Awesome pose on Aekis, Lorian looking naughty as always and epic opportunity to use the pigeon brush on Captain Pieon who looks ready to kick butt!
Btw you doing Inksgiving too? (On the 14-16th April)
Some WIP something with Evan being pantsless grimy mess on this promo, and a random doodle of TapaPupper
Wip attempt 2
@stiatent inksgivin? Nah, I did it the once, to be part of the community and all that, but now that I do not have a webcomic going on, I find no purpose in hoging ink that could be for people with open webcomics. Also I did the math, and its way better way to support the artist donating to paypal, buy a coffe, or visit their shops if they have, haha.
@Glofernwolfe No problem! Loved to draw him! The pose really helped to show his attributes. Those arms deserved the attention.
@stiatent Yep Harry’s teeth were also very strong. He actually had a big appetite and a sweet tooth. He loved chicken paprikash and goulash but also a lot of German food like sauerkraut and schnitzel. He never drank any alcohol or liquor. I don’t know if he had a favorite juice or something. Of course water. Everyone needs that. He also loved bananas and mashed potatoes. And of course bagels and cream cheese!
For his sweet tooth he especially loved his mother’s apple pie and this sponge cake with cherries and cream on top Bess would make.
Theo was a vegetarian a little later as he got older but I’m not sure what he liked to eat unfortunately.
Yeah. He’s using his teeth to get out of those pesky chains
No. My dream wasn’t about that last time. Everyone was staring at me in my class (I hate it when people look at me. Eye contact is painful for me) I actually don’t know what happened in the dream like actually but that’s all I remember. I got spooked by it. Dreams are so strange sometimes
Yes. Houdini is Harry’s stage name and his birth name was Ehrich Weisz. He legally changed his name to Harry Handcuff Houdini on his birth certificate in the 1910s I can’t remember. But his middle name is Handcuff! 🥺️
lol! I’m calling him “Cuffy” now. (No! lol!)
No Theodore and Harry are full siblings. Hardeen is also his stage name. He was one of The Brothers Houdini but then the two decided to do their own solo acts. And Theodore’s real name was…
Hang on. Lemme uhh…
Ferencz Deszo Weisz
Yeah his middle name became Deshi and then all the brothers called him Dash. Harry calls him Dash. Can you blame him wanting to be called Theo? lol
Anyway yeah! Sorry it took so long to respond dude. I’m getting ready to start college next month! Eeee!