280 / 335
Jan 8

Season Greetings my friends! Omg sorry i got slow, awesome art guys will return soon to respond properly :pray:
@abigaillmartin love all the Harrys an self inserts too :art: n yess love them blue piercing eyez :heart:️ wait.. Harry had blue eyes all along, n i didnt even realize ?- how did i miss this 🤣

It’s the holidays so you’re good. Everyone is seeing their loved ones and it’s very busy.

Yes he had blue eyes with a bit of brown around the iris so they appear brown in some lighting.

But yes they were blue.

I think our boy's feeling a little...friendly, as Chandler says.

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Well @stiatent I got this book for Christmas and I am eating it up! Boy oh boy!! :heart::heart::heart::laughing:

And this is the cool part!

Better not let my baby cousins near this one! This is NOT baby proof! :joy::joy::joy:

I got some Ken stuff!!!

Also these arent actual characters but I have had people simp for these three (particularly the middle one)

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you all a fun and memorable month with your loved ones :christmas_tree::tada::santa:

Havent got a christmas/holidays themed hunk done in time but BUMP! For anyone eho has one :muscle:

@abigaillmartin awesome christmas gift totally dont blame you for eating it and true those cute baby cousins might literally eat the book :heart:️🤣
Admiring all the drawings from here looks like they captured various parts of his life and love that they kept the playful smirk
whats the story behind this one?

This one funny 🤣

This ones my fave but love them all tbh

Ken looking stylish and gq as usual, is that a necktie in 1st one? Love this semi-formal look on the 1st and paired with the shorts too :sunglasses:
True can totes see ppl simping for the Lunites and this Hunk in middle as you rightfully say, the glowing moon on his head is a cool touch too guessing as you called them Lunites right? (looks like a forelock too) :muscle: Ken might have found some competition :joy:

@midnightsun Kai is quite a good looking guy indeed and stylish too the cuts on the fade hairstyle and fur on jacket is a real nice touch :+1::art: Hope to see more on here keep it up


@Leyelle new male lead is gorgeous, love the way you did his hair and yep dimples is hot :tada:
What's his name? Keep it up and look forward to more of him on here :art:

And yep this boy lookin friendly indeed, right in time for season sneakin one under mistle toe :wink::grinning::+1::christmas_tree:

Finished the Happy Holidays art of Quim for @IzzyBloom91 's Winter Chibbi Pile

And recycling him for Sick Boy Comic Series promo- with his actual weapon: Indomitable Kite! (protects him like a shield against other's physical and magic, a spin on Kite Shield)
Just to finish the kite, some shadows from it and hoping to experiment with some effects like an aura maybe around shield. Had left the kite regular in the 3d promos but had been debating maybe it gives an aura when shielding against attacks.

enjoy the holidays everyone :santa:

In this book Harry as a kid was practicing the highwire after he saw a highwire artist do it at the circus.

Right so I found some new images (to me anyway) on Pinterest

I think they’re going to yeet him into the water what do you think?

This is in The Master Mystery I think.

I’m zooming in on his arm.

Yeah. That’s his wifey Bessie. Bess was his assistant but was also a performer in her own right. She could sing and dance very well.

Harry. Stop with the smolder. Please. My knees are weak.

Imagine if they were actually new photos though! That'd mean he was still out there (or at least a very good look-a-like)

And who knows. Maybe there will be new photos to surface or even film. Historical lost media you could say!

Perhaps even the lost footage from The Master Mystery or the lost radio broadcast he did in 1926 a few months before his death!

That would be amazing! Perhaps even the lost appearance of his brother Theo on the very early days of television in 1945! Also a few months before he died!

I will never stay silent about this man!

On the left- The main protagonist Gaius (After he’s had a chance to clean himself up.) Is he a twink under there? A twunk? Who knows! But the straitjacket stays on during.

On the right- James. Will be introduced shortly, but he’s a small-time incubus aristocrat. He’s a worthless d-bag who’s only good for his looks.

Bonus pic of James getting up in the evening. There are plenty of shirtless men here, so hopefully this is okay.

12 days later

This is probably the hottest picture of Chili I've drawn so far:

these pajamas are slightly less ugly than the macaroni pants. My comic panels are also starting to look a bit crisper/cleaner

Sorry I been slow first of all Happy NY 2025 everyone​:tada:
I'll be back soon to react to everyone's awesome art nextweek, caught between trying to finish up another sickboy epiosde here and family events back to back.

Keep up the awesome work meanwhile and looking forward to more hunks :muscle::art:

I have to show off my Elsie Clone High AU!

Elsie and Houdini are dating in this universe

CW: Cartoony Blood

Bwa I love this AU!

Here’s Mozart:

Everyone calls him Wolf.

Daecon and Evander are alone for the first time. Evander is having a shower but Daecon doesn't want to wait. That shower's about to get STEAMY.

Work in progress, censored for this forum. Still have to draw the shower and add steam, suds, etc.

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@IzzyBloom91 XephyBoiiiii! Yep he be working hard :muscle: unfortunately for him more eyecandy for Cleo and all his fans :joy: Awesome work always! :art:

@ThunderChicken Alone for the 1st time and yep totally looks like steamy-ness about to go down also the censored bumms XD Brings back memories of lastminuite censoring Ev bumm bec i wasn't sure about Tapas and uncensored bumms vs it being norm in Hollywood movies :joy: Looking forward to the finished version! :art:

@aleja.x Santiago looks gorgeous, love the details of his uniform and medals and that scar both looks badass and piques cuiousity! Awesome work and look forward to more of him on here :grinning:

@abigaillmartin Elise and our boi Harry lookin awesome, love the eyewear :sunglasses: Mr wolf look adorable too, was that his real nick name or just for AU? :musical_note:

Iconic Indeed! :tada: Awesome art :art:

@LouisWinter Hi friend happy new year! Yep Gren is a super hunk and Mr. Blondie mc is super cute too :thumbsup: Awesome fight shots my friend and hope to see more of your guys on here :muscle: :art:

@ambermdo Brian and Adam look adorable, also what's that on Brians face? Hope he finds some fun outside of the house! Keep it up and look forward tp more of these guys on here :thumbsup: :smiley:

@Leyelle Chilli looking hot indeed! Yep seeing the crispy ness through your progression and love the experimenting with diff pajamas :art: Keep it up and imagine hed only get hotter going forward also happi new year my friend :confetti_ball:

@pjthetoonaddict Happi newyear friend and these boys look ready for the beach. Is it me or am I seeing blushies behind Amrit's eyewear :joy: love the bonus too!

@grozalyn Lol love this mystery of what's Gaius is hiding under there :joy: :mag: Awesome design one his strait jacket and the way you kept that theme of the belts going :thumbsup: Funny I havent used Twunk much but a great word to add to my vocab end up drawing either twinks and hunks but lately trying to do some more of of the in-betweens :joy:
James the Incubus Aristrocrat is an interesting combination, and a dbag too lol Yep he's a total hunk and equally guilty of tossing shirtless OCs all over the place so yep its fine :muscle: Keep it up and hope to see more of your guys on here! :art:

In my case: Finally finished a major battle/ encounter-
In the language of this forum, 'lots of back and forth between a Hunky Werewolf-type who tries his best to look imposing while dealing with a twinky Chaotic MC with his own bag of tricks lol'

Finger :stuck_out_tongue:

Raffa (big werewolf guy) was like fine I could play games too:

Yeah that’s Clone Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It’s for the Elsie Clone High AU

happy new year, I hope you have a good one

These are my boys, the first two are from Tales of Valor, they are the protagonists Ozwald and HIgen, and the last one is from The Journey, he is one of the protagonist Yun

@stiatent: Ask and ye shall receive. The finished version complete with all the compression and shrinkage that comes with posting images on the forum!

Oh yeah! They kiss!

Harry is staying after school for track meet and Elsie has to go home. She has a lot of homework to do.

I've got arts and I am in cloud nine :smiley: Lorian got some shadowed depictions :sunny:

I really need more Tiyan arts...

:@Lorian Happi new year my friend :tada: Yep totally can see why you're on cloud9 these arts came out so cool
Love the green and black theme of the 1st, and he looking so powerful and hunky, been trying to get better at painting dark smoke myself so admiring away.
The mischievous look and ornate details n the 2nd is awesome too
And true hopefully we see more Tiyan eventually too :smiley:

@abigaillmartin Lol lucky he didnt get the nickname WAM instead XD
and sure.... Track meet and homework.. they seem too busy smoochin here :joy:

@Leyelle Yep going good so far, hope yours is too :smiley: :thumbsup:

@ThunderChicken proud to have received :tada::grinning:
Nice seeing the steam, cool tile work with the bits of colored flakes, and that shower looks big so both of them could fit :thumbsup: :shower:
and compression and shrinkage, yea don't remind me, same, always having to work around that 'Image too large" warning on here expecially for the .gif files :joy:

@binahwrites nice to meet you and your guys lookin stylish and nice details on their designs :sunglasses: Is Hlgen a fist fighter? Getting that vibe from him with the gloves, usually my fave class in Jrpgs like FF etc
Nice magic effects on Yun and cool staff design on Ozwald too. Hope to see more of your boys here :thumbsup:

here's a flashback one, had slowed down a bit doing anything outside current webcomic episode,
forgot if i ever posted this one here. Did it for one of those challenge things on Deviant Art and used Issandro from Sickboy

and another WIP for Quim to eventually go on the Webcomic's Cover Banner (all the characters there doing thumbs up) Tried to run cloth simulation on that kite string a few times but it keeps looking stiff like wire so I might just settle with the string being lively since the kite behaves 'almost alive/ can float on its own', similar to Owen's Camcorder :joy: