118 / 307
Aug 2020

THANK YOU! Yeah, the font got changed not long ago... well be on the lookout for my storytime animations... they will be up soon! Just click the custom ad banner at the bottom of the comic and subscribe early or when the videos release! :slight_smile:

I see you likes the classics heroes! You can create a comic about all those anti-Heroes fighting and helping each others.
I have already left my comments there. and rated.
My Doctor A is on webtoons too if you want to check;


Vanilla Society is a crazy tv reality show who don't hesitate to push ethical boundaries to keep the viewers tuned in ...even if it means hurting it's contestants....

The first chapter is coming out August 31 ! Stay tuned

Yep. For some panels I need a day. But if I finished one I never touch it again. If I find a mistake later, I simply explain to myself: This is the way I wanted it. That is art! :grinning:

Hello everyone!
My Comic gets an update at 12PM. Feel free to read, it's boys love. :smiley:

Looks like we both have a thing for creepy mysteries.
The series did not even started yet and i am already involved. XD

I've already subscribed to Doctor A looking forward to the next update.
Here is my webcomic if anyone is interested ?

I remember seeing this cover on DA. I'm a huge history fan, especially around the world wars. I can not wait to start reading more.

My weekly Sunday strip has got a new edition. Check it out and laugh! :slight_smile: