740 / 851
Jul 2021

Not my comic, I just draw for it!

So this was the latest panel on the latest episode of Scarlet Society (it's not in the book format, it's in the vertical one)

You can read the series on Tapas (The webtoon was being drawn by another person on the first episodes, later on I took the job and have been drawing for almost 4 years now!)

Or webtoon

Just updated my Star Wars fan comic called, KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1. My webcomic based on my podcast, Geeking Around was updated a week ago. If anyone like to sub 4 sub let me know.


In my case it's panels so :sweat_smile:

Newest page of Murphy's Law is now up! Come see who will gain the upper hand in this fight!

Here's my latest page!

Just subbed could you check out mine? Also I love your art!

And it's fighting time in Murphy's Law! Come give the newest page a read!

Last page of the month for Murphy's Law is now up! Come check it out!