824 / 851
Oct 2021

Maybe being the villain isn't so fun after all, huh Kit? Final episode of scene 8 of Murphy's Law is now up!

Okay, so it isn't QUITE the last, but I don't wanna spoil the very ending, so this is the second to last page.

i wouldn't post this last month but i got busy. however, i will take this opportunity!

On the road to 250 subs and a new chapter will be released mid-November (finally I'll break this hiatus I found myself in!)

Menmar is my pride and joy, currently with 5 full chapters (the 6th will arrive mid-november, I'm hoping to have everything ready to launch it on November 15th or 17th at best). I hope you like it!

1 month later

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Heaven Hunters Issue 5 is being released! The crew peels back the veil of the multiverse and stares into the abyss, and the abyss whispers back. Updates every Friday!

Ako makes a gamble in his ongoing battle against Mulko...will everything play out as he hopes? Follow and find out! We update weekly!