217 / 282
May 2020

I think that happened overnight, since it worked well yesterday. I left a note with the team.

Sorry if someone mentioned this before I just quickly skimmed through this forum. When looking at comics from my phone on Safari, ALL comics have a white border. It didn't exist before this change and it makes all comics...much smaller. Any chance to remove the white border?

cries in no space left on my phone to download apps ;-; thanks for the help tho!

It is going to be fixed eventually though, right?
Cause I can’t get the app, I gotta use the mobile website.

Yeah I realized that after I scrolled through the thread a bit lmao. Still not a huge fan though :confused:

Commenting using mobile seems to be fixed now :smiley: whoohoo!

Hope that the devs are well fed during all the work! Infinite scroll reading is very appreciated, always something that is nice! Also very happy to know that we will be able to see series banners (never don't want to be able to see Heart of Keol's series banner)

I do have a couple of critiques though, along with feature requests. The current slide out menu for chapter selection, comments, etc. does not seem to be capable of re-scaling the rest of the UI when visible. If you only ever have the Tapas window taking up the full width of your display this does not seem to present an issue so long as you have a sufficiently wide monitor with enough resolution. However, even with secondary window being made as small as possible when snapped to one side of my screen so that the comic window has maximum space, the menu covers up portions of the comic itself.

Why not make it so that when the menu is opened, the comic slides to the left so that it is still completely visible. (Before it is asked, no this is not due to low resolution of my display, it is a 3000x2000 display on the 1st gen surface book). Without a feature like this, the current UI is less functional and more intrusive than the older UI, as I cannot access many features unless I want to make the comic unreadable.

In addition, while I greatly appreciate being able to read comments at any moment, the current design makes longer comments very cumbersome to read. Such a strict width could make longer comments take up the entire vertical height of your display. Maybe the comments section could make the menu pull out even further so that more room was provided?

As a general feature request, I would appreciate the ability to access the menu while in fullscreen mode. It is very confusing to be knocked out of fullscreen every time you attempt to like a page, make a comment, or relocate to a different chapter that isn't the next one.

This last thing doesn't really relate to the UI, but UX for Tapas in general. More recently I've noticed that image loading seems to be less aggressive, but not in a good way. Rather than upcoming panels always being loaded in before I scroll to them to provide a seamless reading experience, I constantly see empty background before the image suddenly pops into existence to fill the void. If your servers simply couldn't handle the more seamless loading, I understand, but if it's possible I would like to see this fixed.

Have a great day dev team, and good luck!

There's something wrong with the tapas site it doesn't have the buttons that it needs like the buttons that allow us to pick up where we left off when reading a comic or a novel and said now we got to scroll through each single chapter and a lot of us haven't read through it all completely

I use the mobile website on Tapas, and I'm glad to see that "Continue From Chapter X" button was just reinstated. Thanks Devs!

One big thing I've noticed on the new mobile website though is that when reading a comics chapter, tapping the screen toggles the upper toolbar on and off, but the lower toolbar (with the favorite, comment, support, and previous/next chapter buttons) stays visible no matter what, taking up a lot of screen space. I'd love to see the functionality from prior mobile website versions return, where I could tap the screen and toggle both toolbars for a fullscreen view. This would definitely be nice for comics with a vertical scroll format.

Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for this, but I don't want to make more of those.
When someone posts a link to their comic and you follow it on a phone, the app is opening on the front page. That's it, no comic from the link, just front page.

Android! And Chrome browser if this helps somehow.

Yeah, when I click the app is opening, but it just leads to the front page as if I simply opened the app without any link.

That explains everything! As it's what happens when people delete their comic/novel, I though it was that, but I was wondering why so many people were advertising their work and then immediately deleting it, these times :joy: