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Dec 2017

Do you know of a way to automatically split images in CSP similarly to Photoshop's slicing tool?

I was able to manually split a long image by setting up grids that marked, say, 4000px blocks. but then the next step was to open up the same image multiple times and crop the next, specific set of grid blocks.

I'd like to make long images and then, even if it's an 'action' that I have to create, split up the image. Searching the forums and the google, I wasn't able to uncover anything. So any tips or tricks would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • created

    Dec '17
  • last reply

    Dec '19
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I have CSP but I don't slice the image up in CSP, I use a program that auto slices the picture for me. Its called Imagemagick. You'd need to install this and then here is the command I use:

magick convert .\filename.png -crop 800x1280 -quality 100% -scene 0 .\foldername\out-%d.png

Use this one to keep a file in png format - cutting images to size 800(wide) by 1280(long)- you can adjust those numbers. -scene 0 is for stating what number I want to label it. So like right now it will do "out-0.png" for the first file then "out-1.jpg" for the 2nd, etc. But if you change scene 0 to scene 15 it will start at 15 with the first file being "out-15.png". I sometimes have really long comics, and you can't make png pictures longer than 30000 pixel length. So I have to run multiple pictures through the split and I want the file names to have a an order.

magick convert .\filename.png -crop 800x1280 -quality 100% -scene 0 .\foldername\out-%d.jpg

to auto convert the PNG file to a jpg for LINE Webtoon.

It's super fast too.

Im trying this later and if it works you will become my new favorite person on the internet *3*

I hope it works for you! If you have trouble just ask and I can try to help.

Yay I'm so glad it worked for you. Once set up It is seriously so much easier than anything else I've seen.

6 months later

I keep getting PMs about this, so I'm gonna update this:

Husband made croppy- a website that is a free image slicer, url here:

Here is the thread I made about it that has some explanations on it:

If you still want to use image magick and the command lines and have questions, go ahead and ask me, I don't mind, but if you'd like the easiest solution with no hassle, just use croppy ^_^.

1 year later

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ive been trying to slice my comic right for such a long time, you have no idea how convenient this is website is for me! Thank you :slight_smile: