34 / 34
Oct 2016

In the US, there is a trend going around that involves people messing with others as clowns

Not when they take out knives and threaten with death :I Even if joking, you can never fully guarantee if they're really armed or not. I mean, if I'm driving and a clown is standing in the middle of the road acting like they'll shoot me, I'll just step on the gas pedal tbh. Momma didn't raise no fool.

But I think the best way to tackle the situation is to quietly arrest them and not feed the situation. Act like it doesn't exist and handle it well enough for this fad to die down like just another annoyance in 2016.

I meant that it was funny for ME to mess with people. Ive never been a clown, but its fun to use this stupid situation to mess with people. If someone actually saw a clown and it came at them, it would be selfdefense which is necessary in the situation.

Forums is weird, im not even sure if i responded to efd. heh

I just think it's weird. The only thing that struck me was, well, there has to be a place online where people are coordinating this, right? A 4chan thread or a subreddit? I'm sure there's a bunch of trolls laughing their ass off somewhere. (I don't think it's very funny, for the record, that's just how I'm used to see these things play out I guess.)

Regular clowns are ok.

It's rather disturbing. There was one right in my neighborhood last night, trying to lure kids away while on their way home from school. Then I guess he showed up again peaking inside people's houses. The local police department has increased their patrols in the area. Even if you weren't dressed up, this sort of behavior can get you into a lot of trouble. When you are a parent this behavior is very alarming, and anytime a child is being lured away, you should expect parents and the community to be in a huff over it. It's not funny. It's not cute and it's not okay.

Save your antics for halloween night at a haunted house. Not being a creeper out on the street.

I'm not against talking about this issue, but talking about it only makes people even more paranoid.

I agree that fun is fun, but if these guys are actually chasing after people, they're going to scare someone too much who thinks they're being attacked and something tragic is going to happen.

I keep hearing about these clown sightings, yet 80% of the vids I watch of so-called real clown sightings are staged for the camera. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW this is really happening and people (even on here) have obviously seen them, but there are LOT of videos where I can tell the people recording are obviously playing up for the camera and a lot of videos of a clown chasing after the people recording and then the camera 'mysteriously' cutting off the moment the clown gets right up to them.

Basically it makes me question a little how wide spread these sightings really are and how many reports are in fact a load of crap.

Here's my opinion on the whole thing:
a bunch of idiots are taking ICP and their fan-base too seriously
and they're going to get themselves shot, arrested, beaten up, or even killed
many people are joining in as a joke, which is only making things worse
I was honestly hoping a horde of zombies would take over before creepy clowns would..
let's just hope zombies are next yeah? smiley i'm ready to kill some undead mudderfudgers! laughing

Hah! YEAH. sounds like a plan, and a strangely good comic idea hehehe

lemme share a story with y'all. I live relatively close to Newark, NJ, (that's in the US fyi) and last Wednesday (3 days ago) a dude in a clown costume was standing on a corner terrorizing people so a grey van drove by and popped a cap on the dude's head. WE DON'T FUCKING PLAY! It's sad, but goddammit, let no clown come by house! I saw one down by a convenience store the other day slowly waving at me and when that motherfrocker started walking towards me I ran back in the store and called and Uber to drive me 3 blocks back to my house. This is not fun anymore (was it ever fun?).

The clown thing is out of hand. Personally, I never liked clowns ever since watching "It" and the 4th season of American Horror Story. The issue with the clown started in a Carolina (i forgot either North or South) and now it's spreading up north. It's insane. I remember reading an article with an interview with Stephen King about it...

I don't like it at all. I hate clowns with a burning passion, I do not find this stupid trend to be harmless fun at all due to the fact that a few have already tried to lure children into the woods and there have been murder cases as well. A clown has actually stabbed a thirteen year old to death not too far from where my boyfriend lives. And just 10 minutes from where I live a high school had a bomb threat from one of these idiots.

What clowns are we talking about and, what's more important, where?
On a personal side of things, unless it's somebody like Karandash or Yuri Nikulin or those guys from Cirque du Soleil aka not-full-make-up-clowns, I will hate clowns with passion burning like a thousand suns.
Especially those in full make up, like Ronald MacDonald or what's his name?