7 / 14
Oct 2019
  • I'm from Viet Nam so I don't know how sound effects in English sound like? (For example: the sound of eating chips, wind blowing, farting,.....) :yum:
  • So I create this for artists who don't speak English to ask about sound effect :+1:

  • Just post your pages and questions below, I guess there're many artists that know the answer :ok_hand:

  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Oct '19
  • 13


  • 4.8k


  • 11


  • 26


  • 3


What you want to search for is onomatopoeia. I was going to give a link to a site that hosts library of these written sounds, but turns out the site's dead. :frowning:

Some onomatapeia that an English speaker would probably understand:

Eating something crispy or crunchy:

Eating things generally:


Wind blowing:
(add as many Os as you like)

Punches, kicks, hits and impacts:



I wouldn't sweat it. What's the sound of a punch? Bif? Bam? Pow? Just do you.

I've been also wondering of this. From what I've researched culture differences make great differences, so I'm extra cautious when I'm trying to "invent" some new written sounds. I'm curious how will do you guys will interpret these onomatopoeias?
2. PRANG!!
6. shub shub shubb
7. prok prok prok
8. ctak ctak ctak
9. sreeeeeet
10. sphwop sphwop sphwop

I'm not sure about all of them, but...

  1. BHWACK!! - Seems like a punch or other form of blow
  2. PRANG!! - Sword sound effect?
  3. JENTRANG!!! - No idea
  4. BHWAAAAAR!!! - Maybe a roar
  5. DWEEEERRR!!! - Not sure
  6. shub shub shubb - footsteps?
  7. prok prok prok - tapping or knocking
  8. ctak ctak ctak - similar to the one above, but perhaps a higher pitch tapping
  9. sreeeeeet - a screech, maybe of tires
  10. sphwop sphwop sphwop - tentacles... or something not for the eyes of children ^^;
  1. BHWACK!!
    Being hit with a loose blunt object, like a bundle of sticks
  2. PRANG!!
    Might use this for a jumping motion, or a creature with a spring-like limb
  3. JENTRANG!!!
    This feels like a very specific kind of roar.
    Maybe a mechanical noise? like a heavy , high torque, rotating electric motor
  6. shub shub shubb
    Something shuffling across the ground, the sound a dog makes when dragging it's butt on the carpet
  7. prok prok prok
    pecking bird noise
  8. ctak ctak ctak
    Hail hitting a roof?
  9. sreeeeeet
    The sound a squeegee makes when whiping a window clean
  10. sphwop sphwop sphwop
    not sure, without the "s" "phwop" sounds like hitting someone with a pool noodle.

A thought on "JENTRANG!"

I think in the english language, "J" feels maybe a little too vocal for most environmental sounds. To me it always just sounds like a sound a human mouth makes. JENTRANG itself is also a very complicated sound jen-tr-ANG... i just can't think of anything that would make that sound.

I’ve also wondered about this 🤭 even if I know english, I have difficulty with sound effects. Sometimes, the words I try to find aren’t even in onomatopoeia, so I try make them myself.