15 / 15
Jan 30

Am I the only one having trouble formatting chapters once they're copy/pasted into Tapas? The spacing keeps flip-flopping on me. Either its double spaced, single spaced, or no spaces. And it can be all three in one chapter. I have my docs set to single spaces. I don't know why it's being so screwy. Thinking of just leaving spaces out so there's no weird formatting inconsistencies across chapters.

  • created

    Jan 27
  • last reply

    Jan 29
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Won't that remove the italics, too? (In case the story has italics.) Or are the italics only removed when you copy+paste and select "paste as plain text" when inputting your formatted doc into Tapas?

Aw, sorry that didn't work. What program are you copying from?

@RNJayne it will, but so far it's been the best solution to solve people's other weird issues that sometimes arise when copy pasting. Like for me, tabs are inconsistent.

Ah, I see. Hopefully Tapas will offer a more definitive solution for any/all formatting issues in a future update.

Oh yes, I meant to say my old tabs weren't deleted when pasting in while some were. I don't use tabs when publishing on Tapas.

And that's odd. I hadn't heard of many errors from pasting from Word before. I type in G docs so maybe someone will come along and give additional input.

This might seem like a lot of work, but what I've found works is to copy your text from Tapas (you will have to do so in Tapas' text editor) and paste it back into a temporary new document in Word. Then, in Word, select all of your text. Then reselect your font, reselect your font size, reselect your alignment (left, center, right, or kearning), reselect your line spacing. Once you've done this, reselect everything again, hit CTRL+C, then return to the Tapas text editor. Your text should still be highlighted from your first step. Hit CTRL+V and your newly formatted text should replace what is there.

You will not be able to import font, font colour, or font size, but your style should transfer over.

The text formatting on Tapas is terrible; clearly the site is intended for comics, and it feels like novels were an addition without given much attention. When I copy and paste my work from a doc into the text editor for Tapas, it feels like it only carries the formatting over about half the time, whatever I may be trying to do. And then the same tools aren't available to format on Tapas itself; at this point I just accept it, knowing I'm just practicing and not genuinely hoping to make money or anything on this platform.

The spaces between paragraphs. Since I can't use tabs to show where a paragraph starts I was going to put a space between each for easier reading. Tapas is frustrating me though because single space in microsoft word is apparently a free for all here..