40 / 80
May 2021

My MC has 3 ahoge that are hard to draw from behind :doggo_shook: after so many years I guess I have to finally make some proper references from a few angles xD

Also "I used that nice brush for blank half a year ago... I wonder which one was that" opens a list of 5000 brushes, starts crying

When my cat eats my kneaded eraser a when I leave them out. Or that my kneaded eraser a always get a ton of animal fur in them! Or maybe that any of my art supplies get eaten by my dog when I leave them out. Having cats walk across my paper or my tablet as I'm drawing. The fact that I have no where to store oil paintings while they dry where animal fur won't get on it! Or when I have a full palette of paint and a cat steps on it and proceeds to track it all over the place!

And the quiet female's emerald orbs dragged slowly across the chiseled visage of the man that makes her scarlet life's liquid rush faster through her veins. Her painted lips split wide to reveal her almost pearl white teeth in a joyous reflection of her inner feelings that get evoked like wild fire any time her presence mingles with his.


She smiled at Bob.

.... Yep I know that struggle :')

I freak out every time I resize a page in Clip Studio as it pretends to freeze and threaten me with a crash to desktop.

This is now in my top ten list of most charming things I’ve ever heard. 🥲

When I'm doing traditional art, sometimes there are just those erasers that smudge instead of erase. You had ONE JOB

  • Me making mary sue characters characters with heterochromia and forget which color belongs to which side. Even with reference, I sometimes still forget to flip the canvas back.
  • Sometimes I draw the hand backwards. It happens sometimes.
  • Is the character sounds too much like me, or am I starting to sound like them after writing them for a while?
  • Me being proud that I can remember a word and use it in the sentence (not English speaker, do not laugh), but it turned out the meaning is different from what I remembered. Now I have to correct it in embarrassment, and never trust myself again.
  • How many times have I referred to this character by name in this paragraph? Wait, all of the sentences started with his name.
  • "Is it" is for questions, "It is" is for statements, what kind of no spik inglish fool do not get that? (me).

I do this too! I do most of my 'writing' in the shower or car, where I can speak through dialogue and conversations out loud! I jot it down afterwards.

Old age school students tip: clean the eraser first by rubbing it on the nearby wall (or any surfaces that won't dirty the eraser), it will scrape the troublesome part that will make the smudge.

Also, I believe in Pentel eraser superiority.

Some panels I dread making so much that I hold off on drawing them until the very last minute. Including backgrounds.

top 10 art related problems that I've (stupidly) done:

  1. Looking where is the ctrl+s button when I'm about to leave the room when I am drawing using pen and paper
  2. isn't this too smooth for a paper? - when I'm doing digital
  3. using two fingers to zoom in -- on a paper
  4. rotating the whole pen tablet while doing digital instead of rotating my actual canvas
  5. using an actual eraser to clean up lines instead of using ctrl+z during digital
  6. Why isn't it moving?!-- sees hand using an actual pencil instead of a stylus during digital
  7. Why is this not writing?-- sees hand using stylus instead of a pen
  8. waiting for the brush to switch color with the color i had in mind --- during traditional painting
  9. walking in art store, buys a handful of blank notebooks, arts and crafts materials then forget about them for about 1 month before actually using them then repeat
  10. when it comes to paints, one color is either too much left over or one tube isn't enough at all

Dipping the paint tube in the solvent instead of the brush :cry_02:

Fortunately, I have not yet tried to drink the solvent. :cry_swag:

feeling like I have to fix mistakes at 400-1000% zoom like anyone would see that. :pensive:

Yeah! This is the reason why I have my own bathroom at my house. I even opted for a higher-price, cramped storage-like dorm room on my last college. Although the dorm room literally looks like a CR (Comfort Room. Don't know what term other countries use but it's like lavatory) up to the walls, I still went for it because that's the only place available with a bathroom (bathroom = CR).
I, most of the time, spend 2 hours inside and sometimes if the scene is intense, it'll take 5. It's to the point that I dread going to the bathroom sometimes because I don't know what'll happen once I'm inside.
When I was at my dorm, I usually wake up at 3 in the morning even though my classes starts at 7. And I'll only have enough time to put on my uniform - no makeup, no combing. wet like a chicken, off I go to school. I HATE MY BRAIN FOR AUTOMATICALLY PLAYING A SCENE ONCE I STEP INSIDE THE BATHROOM URRRGH!

FWIW I label all of my layers (mostly because I don't want the program telling me how many layers I've got -- it can be scary) and I STILL DO THIS.

Forgot about a semi-huge artist problem I had last year (and am still dealing with a little bit right now): supply shortages.

This isn't an issue for digital artists (unless your tablet dies, in which case, you're outta luck...), but I spent half of last year wrestling with getting refills for my Copic markers, because Copic was redesigning them, and that, combined with the pandemic, meant that basically everything was out/unavailable or in extremely short supply for months. It's better now, the new refills are finally available for the most part, but there was a while there where I was out or nearly out of like ten critical colors, including several skin tones I rely on heavily.

How many colors have I had to wrestle with getting my hands on? Well, since last year, I've replaced 44 colors. I'm still waiting on two that have been infuriatingly hard to find. (YG13 and YG41, fwiw.)

...sometimes it'd be nice to just be able to use a color selector, not gonna lie. XD


  • Having to draw a recurring bg that I didn't know was gonna be a recurring bg. Leads to door knobs constantly flipflopping sides between panels.
  • Drawing thumbnails when I'm half sleep, so when I go to sketch later, I can't tell what's going on.


  • Scripting out dialog, but not detailing the camera focus or setting. Very helpful of you, past self -_-
  • Thinking I'm writing a masterpiece, only to wake up the next day realizing it was all senseless drivel

@Rocksteady_Comics I went to sleep once, forgetting my apple pencil was on my bed. That thing's $100!
@migxmeg I've tried to pinch zoom and rotate paper before too
@WhateverTheTurtle that happens to me everytime I'm in a situation where I can't write or draw
@Yulek That's the curse of school settings, even universities. I think I'd die trying to attempt an auditorium or lecture hall.

Stupid writer brain problem:

"Yeah, this music is perfect! Choreographing this fight scene in my head is so easy right now."

Song ends.

"Welp, I guess I'll never get that flow back without that music now. Time to listen to it on repeat and struggle to sync up the scene futilely for an hour before begrudgingly finishing it in silence."