1 / 262
Mar 2023

The main goal of this thread is to increase all of our subscriber counts! Simply subscribe and share your new comic.

I will subscribe to each and every novel/comic shared on this thread, plus a friend of mine will help subscribe also. That will make it two.

Feel free to enjoy my comic:

Cebu Under Attack

When a group of terrorists carried out a massive attack on their city, a man on his way to work found himself in the midst of a conflict. He assembled a group of random citizens to sneak towards an all-out war in order to return home for his family. Later, he discovered that it is much larger than they all believe.

Super nice deal. I'll sub to all.

In a Tokyo full of demons, yokais and sadistic villains, only one vigilante is up to the challenge. Too bad she died and her predecessor is very reluctant high schooler. Chaos and fast paced action ensue, leading Kira Vermillion on a journey through a dangerous world if magic as the new Keeper of Demonic Forces.

Cheers mate, it looks interesting! I really like the style.
Anyway, here's my Boi. Hope you and your mate enjoy.

Dude! I love your style! It’s like I’m playing an action video game or watching a CBS show! I love it! Keep up the good work!

Lemme ask. Do you draw this series or do you use computer?

I want to know.

Hey, I just subscribed to your comic. I'm really close to breaking the 100 sub milestone on my comic!

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: A story about a half-demon teenage girl lost in a world where everyone is out to get her.

Back in the 1800s, demons invaded Earth and took a sum of their land. Of course, it starts a new era with pre-established pools of magic on both sides at war. Along with that many discoveries are made from the burning bridge between the realms.

I like the mixing between realistic style and screentones.

Here’s my mystery and low fantasy comic Saiwalo, hope you like it