12 / 262
Mar 2023

Cheers mate, it looks interesting! I really like the style.
Anyway, here's my Boi. Hope you and your mate enjoy.

Dude! I love your style! It’s like I’m playing an action video game or watching a CBS show! I love it! Keep up the good work!

Lemme ask. Do you draw this series or do you use computer?

I want to know.

Hey, I just subscribed to your comic. I'm really close to breaking the 100 sub milestone on my comic!

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: A story about a half-demon teenage girl lost in a world where everyone is out to get her.

Back in the 1800s, demons invaded Earth and took a sum of their land. Of course, it starts a new era with pre-established pools of magic on both sides at war. Along with that many discoveries are made from the burning bridge between the realms.

I like the mixing between realistic style and screentones.

Here’s my mystery and low fantasy comic Saiwalo, hope you like it

Thank you for the opportunity! I just read chapter 1 and it was crazy (in a good way) :). I'm definitely curious to where it's going. I subbed to it :slight_smile:

Here's my manga! I hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:

Thank you for the thread! I'd be honored for a sub for sub and if you check my story out further than that I hope you enjoy it :pray:. If not, regardless, thank you for the subs!

A cyborg crusader must find out who he truly is after escaping the clutches of his mysterious creator. He must learn to navigate the inner workings of himself while also navigating a mysterious, apocalyptic fantasy world.

Thank you for the post. I would be more than happy to check out your story and give you a like and sub.

Here's our webcomic series: Hollow. Or at least the first story arc of it lol. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to give criticism or feedback if it impresses you.

Everything listed above has been done. I have a comment limit, so I apologize for the delay in responding.