11 / 46
Sep 2019

As an artist, I personally have a keen appreciation for black and white or greyscale comics.

In my social circles though, I have a lot of friends who qualify as peripheral comic readers, at best...and they generally have the same two thoughts about black and white comics.

One, they express a position that those comics look unfinished in comparison to the majority of the market.

Two, they represent a time period or economic state of the creator when color production was a step to be removed for cost reasons.

Now that's not to say either is always valid, especially when the creator makes the choice for artistic reasons, but it's a matter of perception depending on the position of the reader in regards to fandom.

That's because we are making products, and those products must compete with everyone else's products.
Readers are not artists and only care about the end result. People find colour comics more pleasing, so they'll flock to that. Naturally, you make comics the way that will bring readers. And if you don't want to look sub-par in the eyes of readers, you must use colour and Tapas knows this.
This is not a platform made to benefit webcomic creators, it's made to benefit Tapas. They will promote what's most likely to bring in readers and money.

That has to be the most robotic response I've hear yet. You should never sell your ideal to the masses. Never lie to them, you're not making a product, your making a story. As a Manga ka, I enjoy the black and white appeal and I must follow my strengths over my weakness.

I enjoy the style I have come up with, its been a long time since i have gotten as good as my skills have shown in the past. I'm glad I'm continuing with this trend. Maybe someday there will be a website that will just accept my skills and what they are worth and the story attached. Because at this rate I'm never getting featured.

Yet you seem distressed that black and white is not being promoted. Like it or not, you are making a product and you're putting it on the internet to attract readers.
This isn't high art. It's barely art at all. If it was, Tapas would definitely be the wrong platform for it.

What we do. We're simply retreading old ground, walking through the same road as millions of others. We're not pushing boundaries or doing anything wold changing. We are entertainers who just happen to draw, and frankly, I'm fine with that.

Sounds like you lost the reason why you draw and write stories anyways. I know why I draw and write mine, that's good enough for me. I'm not just some entertainer, I am my own adventure.

You live your best life, mate.
I draw to give my readers a good time. I don't try to pass off what I do as art, just a moment of levity and that's more than enough for me. It brings me happiness. But hey, whatever pickles your gherkin. If you you want to be an artist, go for it, but never forget the medium you're working on and its purpose.

Yup same to you, and like wise, never forgot why you picked up the pen in the first place. Because I will never forgot what I told myself.

Cute comic btw :>

It was mentioned that black and white comics have been promo'd in the past and i imagine it can happen again though i wonder if it's not so much content or style but rather readability. Tapas is a part of the mobile market so a comics got to translate both on desktop and on phones.

One thing that stands out on names mentioned like flower eater and long exposure was their readability. They had details but also clarity. Fonts play into this too I'm sure. Too tiny and people can't read or enjoy it. Too big and you can't see the art. and with regards to the art can you distinguish everything from characters to backgrounds and so on.

I personally make colored comics but I like the black and white stuff too but I've got to be able to read it if i wanna enjoy it.

Personal preferences of an audience can't be controlled though so if it's something you want more of raising your voice about it and showing off good black and white comics is a good start. Finding like minded folks also helps and as some of the replies show there are people interested in the type of content you're concerned about.

But hey maybe someone could start a thread for black and white comics just to kinda show how many of em are out there. What with so many series on tapas something like that could help reveal some hidden hems and give em a boost :slight_smile:

I like comments too, but i barely get those. I use to get super bummed out about it, I still do. The worst thing a writer or artist can feel is being a ghost. But I've come to terms with just drawing and writing my story, wether or not Tapas cares about it. I just doubt I'll ever get noticed against the color comics, oh well.

Unfortunately that's the reality of when webcomics get turned into a business model. If you're not the hot thing right now, you get shoved into a dark pit. It doesn't help that you can't even network and rely on friends to direct traffic down your way like we did in the old days.
If you don't make the front page, no one will see you. It's kind of ugly and detrimental to webcomics in general.

Eh I wouldn't say they're going to drop black and white comics in the dust on purpose. I just think that they're only pushing what's popular right now, which is mostly rom/com and in full color. Soo much saccharine romance and slice of life (which is totally fine if that's what you're into). But like, trends change so eventually the romance will give way to the next thing, and who knows, maybe it'll be horror and more prime for black and white? Personally, I like Black and White comics better to make and to read. I've made both types, and honestly...I'm not concerned whether or not Tapas will promote my work based on the coloring because...they won't anyway. I don't write romance.

Tapas could really, REALLY benefit from diversifying their front page in genre and style, but either their team is too small to take on that undertaking or they have decided to do a really narrow marketing strategy.

The vast majority of readers don't create art themselves and so aren't as artistically minded. As in, they won't analyze exactly why a thing looks good or how much craftsmanship is put into a black and white work. They just generally prefer color because, ooh it's in color.

Sure people still read manga, but as colored webtoons are appearing on manga sites at an increasingly rapid pace, people will flock to them and accept them as the new normal.

So Tapas, as they are trying to expand the company, is putting more of an emphasis on featuring work that makes them money, so mainly the premium titles, which most if not all are in color.

Black and white also looks much nicer in the tiny res they want us to upload to here as well. Your lines on GCR look crisp as hell, I really like them! It's definitely more readers wanting colour, but there's always going to be people who can appreciate the artistry of good linework. Besides, you can get all the information across that you need with tones.

"One, they express a position that those comics look unfinished in comparison to the majority of the market."

Very few people work in black and white as a finished product; 99% of it is inked stuff begging for color.

But remember the John Bolton "King Kull"?