28 / 46
Sep 2019

The vast majority of readers don't create art themselves and so aren't as artistically minded. As in, they won't analyze exactly why a thing looks good or how much craftsmanship is put into a black and white work. They just generally prefer color because, ooh it's in color.

Sure people still read manga, but as colored webtoons are appearing on manga sites at an increasingly rapid pace, people will flock to them and accept them as the new normal.

So Tapas, as they are trying to expand the company, is putting more of an emphasis on featuring work that makes them money, so mainly the premium titles, which most if not all are in color.

Black and white also looks much nicer in the tiny res they want us to upload to here as well. Your lines on GCR look crisp as hell, I really like them! It's definitely more readers wanting colour, but there's always going to be people who can appreciate the artistry of good linework. Besides, you can get all the information across that you need with tones.

"One, they express a position that those comics look unfinished in comparison to the majority of the market."

Very few people work in black and white as a finished product; 99% of it is inked stuff begging for color.

But remember the John Bolton "King Kull"?

I keep mine black and white for it to have a retro, Outer Limits feel.

I'm considering crowd funding a spin-off that takes place a decade later but in vivid technicolor.

Okay, let's do it, now I'm curious :thinking:

I was commenting on someone else's comment about reader reaction to black and white comics and comparing them to my own. I wasn't addressing you directly.

Was this from the old Savage Sword of Conan magazine?

I remember some really nice grey washed hyborian flavored art from the few issues of that I had.

I make a b&w comic and I've been featured in the past, and I think I do pretty well on tapas! I have a pretty good readership! I do wonder what the reality would be if the comic was in colour, but also, I don't have that sort of time and the story also lends itself well to grey scale haha ;;

Oh, freak! :flushed:

Sorry, completely forgot to post the final result here :joy:

23 days later

I've been doing color on a newspaper comics model (does anyone remember newspaper comics?):
I post new black and white pages Monday - Friday and then color pages on Sunday.

But I've been considering going full color, but on a slower schedule (maybe M-F or MWF). I don't think I could keep up a daily schedule doing color pages...

Part of the reason I wanted to go B&W was so that I could get my books printed in B&W, but as I'm getting used to the webcomics medium, I'm kinda shifting my priorities. I feel like black and white is a better way for me to get pages done and I've got a lot of story I want to tell, but then it seems color seems so popular.

I'm still deciding. Any thoughts?

This is how I see it:

What do you value more? Be able to do more good stuff in less time, or follow the trend?

Be able to do more good stuff in less time, or follow the trend?

You have a good point and it's true that one might have to make compromises.

However, I don't think you can't necessarily have it both ways (doing good stuff in less time) and (following the trend).

I could probably do the same volume of pages in bw or color, but I'd have to just change my style a bit. The drawing and shading might have to be simplified to be able to do color in the same amount of time.

I think black and white was a necessity in print to keep costs down, but with digital work it's less necessary because their is no reproduction cost difference to the creator and the viewer is going to feel like they are getting less value for their time / attention.

I think in digital media, color is a given. For example: with few exceptions, television hasn't turned back from going to color and video games are always in color.

Thanks for all the help. Yeah, I've decided to go full color and am posting on a weekly schedule too.

PS. this is the least toxic forum I've ever been on. so much helpful advice and support. comic people are the best :heart: