
Lacey - supernatural LGBTQ+ drama webcomic, updates tuesdays/thursdays

Apr 22, '19
Last Post
Nov 17, '20
May 18, '21
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Lies Within is greyscale (with red spot colour!) and updates twice a week! Synopsis below: Lysander lacks direction in his life… though he seems to be the only one who doesn’t mind. He’s content to live rent-free under his sister’s roof, get high, watch monster movies, and canoodle with Simon, th…

unfortunately the one thing you can't do, despite your best efforts, is make people care about your work. what you can do though, is show your passion for your work! love your own content the loudest, and people will see that, and think "hey, maybe this is worth checking out". because like @Lun…

Adoptables seem big in the furry community where having a drawn avatar is very important, but not everyone is an artist! It isn't inherently a scam (there are commission scammers everywhere!) it seems like a pretty neat way to provide unique character designs to people who want or need avatars. I'…

No problem! Happy to help! Sometimes even the obvious stuff can easily be missed, it's always nice to have a second set of eyes! And good luck!! :slight_smile:

I love the theming you have going on with your page! The one improvement I would make is rewording your Rebel Leader tier: [image] The average person probably won't know how big DIN-A5 is or that it's a measurement at all. I'd just change that to inches! I would also try to keep the ordering of …

I definitely support other creators! About a dozen at the moment at varying levels of popularity! Thank you!! I tried to keep a theme and since my comic is vampires, well, lmao

I make a supernatural drama and also shitpost a ton on twitter.

Running a patreon can be intensive or as hands-off as you'd like for it to be. You just need to be upfront about what your rewards for pledging are. I know some folks who just use it as a tip jar, they have 1 tier for a couple bucks a month and there is no reward. It's just a means of supporting som…

Practice drawing real people of different ethnicities as well! Study faces from stock images. Break down and examine why people look different! Eyes, noses, lips, even eyebrow and ear shapes. Then simplify them! Make a little library of different features in your style like Joanne has above. That’s …

I'm gonna have to agree with KR on this one. Supporting a transphobe is transphobia. It's very simple.

I also want to add that most people with harmful opinions such as JK aren't going to blatantly tweet "f**k trans people!" Dogwhistles exist for the sole reason of plausible deniability. You need to listen to the analysis of others over her tweets that CAN come off as seemingly innocent because sh…

I don't think you can summarize the depth of the situation in 20 words or less. There are resources provided, and articles out there. If you google "JK transphobia" you'll find plenty of examples. She generally hides her transphobia behind her "feminism" (hence: TERF), so any tweets from her you'l…

Ooh, yeah, it would be really hard to do if everything's stuck together! If that's the case, I'd continue to post to webtoon anyway (maybe less frequently, with more pages at once). A potential readership is what it is!

Hi! Cartoonist who makes a greyscale comic in page format here! In short, I found tapas way more accepting of my page format updates than webtoon. The most common comments I got when posting stuff in page format on webtoon were: "It's too short!" and "The text is too small!/It's hard to read" …

Yes! Also, Karl Popper's paradox of tolerance: "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be…

May I suggest you post examples of your previous work here? You ask it of the artists, and artists are going to want to know the quality of your work in return. A brilliant story? Pitch it here, give a summary at least. You're asking someone to work for free AND do the extra work of DMing you to get…

They did answer your question, with a video. There is also google, if you're actually feeling particularly curious. Or, the radfem tweets from the source. Either way, there are resources. At the end of the day, JK Rowling had to say nothing. She could have just sat back on her billion dollar wizar…

Agreed on most folks in here about cancel culture. JK has not been cancelled. She has a massive platform, she just had a(n incredibly transphobic) book published, and she's in the news almost weekly for saying something harmful. If she were cancelled, we wouldn't have this thread. However, attacking…

The best way in my opinion is to build a large buffer before you start posting (or take a hiatus to build said buffer if you've already started the comic). Good quality art and long chapters require time. And read that thread linked above, it has lots of great tips for shortcuts. Re-using assets …

I'd love to see a separate category so that I can filter these out. It seems to have gotten really bad lately, especially with the new "I just got 25 subs! Here's my novel/comic!" celebration threads people have been doing? I mean, do they even work? My eyes glaze over and I eventually give up on tr…

This is really cool! Does your comic have to be actively updating on tapas to join?

angels and demons can be incredibly compelling if re-told in interesting ways. just look at [un]divine. body horror abounds and no one's a hero, especially not the angels.

ink converts to money. if you want to see your ink donations, click on the "support" tab. [image]

it takes 30 days for any ink or ad revenue to show up in your available balance. if you just see your balance on the dashboard you'll see only your available balance, but if you click on it you'll see your "pending" balance! [image]

All the "I put my tablet pen down and now it's GONE" memes, I keep an orderly space and my pen has a little well it rests in, I never lose it lol

[image] mine was an image that was too big so i updated my copy paste accordingly lol

Not BL, but has an LGBTQ+ cast. :slight_smile: Lysander lacks direction in his life… though he seems to be the only one who doesn’t mind. He’s content to live rent-free under his sister’s roof, get high, watch monster movies, and canoodle with Simon, the new neighbour who moved in a few months ago. When Lys i…