250 / 322
Dec 2021

Aaaa it's concert time @Aleksei
(it won't let me post the gif on tapas, so it's on my deviantart)


I'm sorry if I got the colours wrong, mainly referenced them all from your comic (as well as some guess work lol)! I also included a black and white version just in case. The still versions have a few things I forgot in the gif

Still image:


Yay! thank you very much!
They look great rocking on stage!

Love your take on colors! I must say that even I don't know what color do their hairs have xD I will solve that in a special colored chapter someday xd so don't worry about getting them wrong =D In fact, most of my covers have them depicted them with different hair color, so no problem there n_n Great thing that you did with the gif! Thank you very much!

Also, good to see that Glenn managed to get to the concert, lol!

Thanks again for the drawing! This goes directly to my fanart folder =D

I love that, thank you so much!! Silas’s face is a big mood

It's looking good guys! You got most of them done already!

@TheGreatArtisan were you drawing the cover/banner already? I think I have time this weekend to do either the cover or the banner to make it upload ready

I haven't started yet because of finals. I do have an idea for a cover that I can start on.

Yay! It was a pleasure to draw them! Happy that you approve =D!

Gonna do the banner this weekend. Do you have headshot pictures of your characters by any chance? It would make the banner idea more lovely haha :smiley: