6 / 322
Aug 2021

Of course I'll be participating in it as well, so let me drop the characters I'll be using myself.



(If you are not too good at spiky hair you can always give her one of these hairstyles:







These are just suggestions on my part, you can always pick other characters of mine if you want to!
(I don't have fullbody references for some of them sorry :sweat_smile:

What am I good at?
I can do a bit of mecha

What am I not so good at?
I'm not too good at animals or furries

I'd also like to participate, with Vampire Prince characters

Tirau1 and Waris

And Crea and Shirena if someone would rather draw gals ;p

Damn, these refs are old... I should probably update them one day 'xD

What am I good at?
Humans/Humanoids (just no animal faces)
What am I not so good at?

I'd like to enter with some characters from my comic ''The lives we live''.

Rayvis - He's a very cowardly character that loves being nice to others.

Leo - Is very calm and collected. Doesn't really know how to express himself.

Lauris - Very outgoing and loves making new friends.

Rico - A quiet boy, but he does enjoy hanging out with friends.

Natalie - A shy and quiet girl. (Acesexual)

edit: Added the other mains for more options.

What I can draw - Humans, furries, animals.
What I can't draw - Mechas, dragons, robots.

EDIT: I changed the Aviator’s design a bit, so I updated their reference here to my latest drawing of them

I’d like to do this! I’ll drop the four members of the Airhead Brigayde, as I like to call them, for people to draw. I can draw humans/humanoids, furries/animals, and simple mecha, but I can’t do complex mecha unfortunately

Anyway, here are my characters:

The Aviator:



And Charlie (not my drawing):

Aight I have put your names in the OP so far.

Also feel free to scout through the thread! You can check out which creator's characters you'd be interested drawing (that also helps me establish the chain eventually)

:grinning: yay! Happy to join this collab!!

Here are my charas: These are their regular outfits but you are not obligated to do them full since they will sue some others in the story too:3

EDIT: you can draw almost any outfit you want on them (as long is it SFW I'm so temped to draw them sexy but there's a good reason they must be sfw ) the only thing you can't take off them are the earrings, even tho these can change designs but they must always have earrings :wink:

References here :point_down:





More references

What am I good at?
Humans, humanoids, animals

What am I not so good at?
mechas, anthro(furries)

Count me in as well. Here are some characters you guys can use.

Alpha Alpaca

Boreas Starwind









What I'm good at:
Animals, Mechanical designs, More stylized stuff.

What I'm not so good at:
Realistic Humans (Though I am trying to get better at it, though.)

Hmmm since nobody has expressed interested in picking another creator's characters yet, I'll take the opportunity to go first I suppose:sip: :hohoho:

I think I'll go with a crossover with @TAMAnnoying's cast since they're one of the few that I haven't drawn in this thread. But I could always just include a couple of other characters.

I'm in if it's just a drawing and we have this much anticipation!

These are my potential characters:


A leader (politician) who loves reading, spending the nights writing and studying; his attitude usually leads people to believe he has his head in the clouds even though he shows proper leading skills when needed.


He's a warrior and a general. His attitude is usually menacing, focused and barely shows any sense of humor. He acts more relaxed when he's alone with Jun, his adoptive big brother.


A former slave leading an uprising he never wanted to be involved into. Kane is calm and docile, he dislikes violence and noisy people; he would rather be alone tending his plants.

And one last extra character

He's the god of war of this story and he loves blood baths as much as being in the limelight. He has serious diva issues and he is usually seen as a very dangerous indivual despite he always acts thinking about his humans first. His default "friendly" smile doesn't help at all to be seen as a trustworthy ally.

Link to series

I haven't decided yet whose characters I'd like to work with (I'm eyeing @noenoh 's boys here though!) but here some things I can do and some I cannot:
Can: Humans, mechas, detailed clothing
Won't: Animal / Hybrids / Furry

ok so I have never participated in events like this so love to give this a go :blush:
I have no preference as to whose character to draw really, do we have to pick someone or will we be picked for us if we dont? :sweat_smile:
(Im most comfortable with humanoid characters tho but gotta get out of the comfort zone too I guess !)

Here are my main cast to chose from :sparkles:
I'll dig out more references if needed.

Well initially I let people pick who they want to draw because I understand that not everyone likes being put in a position where they have to draw characters they don't want to draw.

But eventually the chain has to be linked and in that case I will pick for people if they haven't picked yet.

I wouldn’t mind drawing @noenoh ‘s bois, they got some fancy clothes and I haven’t been able to draw much fancy stuff lately >)

Sure, although I think @ArhyaM had also eyed them so you have to fight out who draws them :sweat_smile:

((Although you can always draw them as extras regardless