141 / 562
Feb 2018

Me too, but there's fun in watching them do it at least. :smile:

@xanedis we already know what we talked about, so besides this reply i'm deleting the rest. @MoonSquid I apologize for straying too far off topic.

I'm not sure if his maid would appreciate all those paddling requests to him, tho. XD

...coughs But yes, we're straying off topic. Hard.

Housework, yes. And she has yet to fight any major heroines, but the MC did train him to use his weapon of choice. Something something magic gauntlets.

But you never know... Maybe our villain is pressured by his maid's constant nitpicking over how he's conducting his business... Especially since she's something of a business PARTNER(wink wink).

@MoonSquid sorry i just now read the pm u sent me. so the image size reduced once uploaded here as well.... maybe just liek what @joe_galindez suggested you can just upload the larger file into a google drive and the next person in queue can download it from there. So the next person in queue @themecraftmail pls wait for the larger version of the class pic before doing yours. and also if anyone else encoutered same size problem like us you can all just upload it on gdrive or wherever you want just send the link and i think that shud be fine right? :smile:

1.jpnakashima (Completed)
2.Jenny-Toons (Completed)
3.enzouke (Completed)
4.GalacticPotato (Completed)
5.ghostieblu (Completed)
6.frixelkind (Completed)
7.dawgofdawgness (Completed)
8.Rogerall (Completed)
9. Kimcchirific (Completed)
10.MoonSquid (Completed)

next 11.@themecraftmail !!

Was this done those last years?
Because if not, this should become an annual tradition

I second that, if this is the first then we can make it a thing. This was a great idea :smiley:

The current queue:

  1. jpnakashima (Completed)
  2. Jenny-Toons (Completed)
  3. enzouke (Completed)
  4. GalacticPotato (Completed)
  5. ghostieblu (Completed)
  6. frixelkind (Completed)
  7. dawgofdawgness (Completed)
  8. Rogerall (Completed)
  9. Kimcchirific (Completed)
  10. MoonSquid (Completed)
  11. @themecraftmail
  12. TeddyLemon
  13. Trickster511
  14. cronasonlyfriend
  15. storytimebiondi
  16. BlackRoses_RedRavens
  17. arisu_kosuta
  18. monotone_ink
  19. aqua03
  20. JediM
  21. DiegoPalacios
  22. Maron_and_Phieni
  23. gwizdala
  24. Chroma
  25. JenniferBourne

Yo, quick question: What happens if we run out of room before everyone gets their turn? Do we start a new one? :confused: