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- Nov 3, '16
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- Mar 27, '18
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- May 22, '18
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sure!! I'd be honored
yes it's BGM. You can add one from Soundcloud. Some use it to add feels to a scene. But keep in mind that it only plays on the desktop site. I'm pretty sure that feature doesn't apply on the mobile app.
anyone can add gifs in their series. i use some in my comics too. It's the same when adding normal images in the dashboard. gifs also have a 2mb file size limit and they loop.
cool!! i'm interested let me know when your stories are ready and I'd be sure to read them.
Here's something I made back in 2015. it's a combined fan art of Rilakkuma and Gintama lol. I just thought it'd be cute if I did that and here's the outcome. lololol [image] [image]
If he really feels sorry then he should be the one to forgive himself not anybody else and those people who harasses him are no better than him at all. They are only using the sin that one has committed as an excuse to justify their acts of punishing him. people who drown in self righteousness are t…
this is the first time I will share this. My 4th grade teacher had a very severe stroke once. I was sitting next to her when she fell down the ground grasping and reaching out to me for help. Unlike all my classmates screaming for help, I felt no empathy, concern or panic. I just stared down at her …
It's fun to add gifs but keep in mind that it should be 2mb or less and that it loops, so don't use them for scenes that shouldn't be looping lolololol. Have fun using gifs in your series too!!
I used it once in my series MLC
And A LOT in my series Say Kimcchi!
sometimes to add e…
@MoonSquid sorry i just now read the pm u sent me. so the image size reduced once uploaded here as well.... maybe just liek what @joe_galindez suggested you can just upload the larger file into a google drive and the next person in queue can download it from there. So the next person in queue @them…
@KoreanTacos whoa you've got your retirement plan ready.
@panda3291 oh wow! thanks!!
@Evan oooh scavenger hunt sounds exciting!! I would definitely keep that in mind Thanks!!!
umm guys I have a question!!! the image is now at 940 x 1415 and 1.02mb. But once uploaded its 752 x 1152 and 766 kb? ?
EDIT: okay so I dont know why that happens tried reuploading 3 times it's still like that so here: https://i.imgur.com/ZEAJuEZ.png I uploaded it in imgur. @MoonSquid just down…
oh wait did the quality dropped down? the image is now at 940 x 1415 and 1.02mb. But once uploaded its 752 x 1152 and 766 kb? ?
EDIT: okay so I dont know why that happens tried reuploading 3 times it's still like that so here: https://i.imgur.com/ZEAJuEZ.png I uploaded it in imgur. @MoonSquid j…
they say I always look creepy in class pictures... took the horde with me, hope it's alright
EDIT: okay so I dont know why the size dropped down tried reuploading 3 times it's still like that so here: https://i.imgur.com/ZEAJuEZ.png I uploaded it in imgur. @MoonSquid just download it…
@Rogerall ahhhhhh I just woke up~ it's morning here I will draw mine right away
HELLOOO my comic Say Kimcchi! is now at it's 99th episode. hooray!!
so I want to do something special for our 100th. I already did a Q&A back when we reached 500 subs and a Raffle last Christmas. Do you have other ideas of maybe a fun contest or fun activity?
also what you guys did in your 100th …
@Jenny-Toons oooh i see, i see thanks!!
oh hey moi, imma join. tho am kind of confused with the queue lol so can u just add me? I will wait for the updated version of the queue so I will know for sure when it is my turn
HELLOOOO just wanna see some of your christmas themed special episodes!!
Here's mine
and I also did a christmas raffle recently
and a collage of everyone that joined as a christmas present
Here's mine
and I also did a christmas raffle recently
and a collage of everyone that joined as a christmas present
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Here's mine "BOO" from my comic "Say Kimcchi!"
AND ALSO I made a special edition card game for halloween It's Print and Play so it's in PDF form. If you want you can also download it here for FREE:

EDIT: I THINK COCOA SUITS THE GIRL then Earl for the black hair kid and Leroy for the blonde? lol am not good with names anyhoo SO CUTE
Here's mine "BOO" from my comic "Say Kimcchi!"
AND ALSO I made a special edition card game for halloween
It's Print and Play so it's in PDF form.…
HELLO! my brother and i recently made a card game entitled "Meownarchy" card game. We published it in Gum Road and you can check it out here.It's a Print and Play card game so a pdf file will be available for download. You can get it for free just type 0 on the price space but if you feel generous a…
This guy here needs some love. His comic is great i can guarantee
so please do check him out and subscribe to his series
@DMBrigman wow that question is making me think deep....I think at first I was making my comics for myself and for my friends, but when one of my comics went on hiatus and i saw that despite that i still have little readers left waiting and believing that my comic despite not being popular is actual…
@revisionstudios my short story comic could be wrapped up already since it was a one shot to begin with but i still have ideas on the story of the two main and the extra chars as well...i've been thinking of wrapping it up marking it as "completed" but ah mah hart i kenat. hmm but maybe i can do 2 m…