12 / 18
Mar 2022

I saw a post on instagram just mention this...
Tapas Merch store is happening? Like... it didn't say just T-shirts, but like, actual merch we'd be able to sell? Or is it limited, invite only, or only who Tapas deems part of their special programs?
I couldn't find any info on it on Tapas itself.

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    Mar '22
  • last reply

    Apr '22
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My guess would be it'd be for those chosen by tapas - like the t-shirt shop on amazon that I guess they've closed?

I'm pretty sure it's for special programs. I've seen some users share it on Twitter and when I've viewed their profiles on Tapas, they have a new "Shop" button on their profile.

Yea! i'm interested to see what it offers / if it'll be more inclusive to "not the Chosen Ones"

From what I've read in Tapas Discord, they make it available now for a few creators just to test it, but later on the merch shop will be available for creators with 500+ subs.

Yup, it only showed up when I manually changed shipping to some random us zip code

So we discussed this in the discord :slight_smile: it’ll be pre-set items like shirts, totes, etc with the creator’s design. It’s still in the works but it’s exciting! It might be the next goal for creators who have 500 subs

Christy and Bread are correct!

So the Merch shop will be in partnership with print on demand site Printful and for now it is limited to a select few as they iron out the bugs and any potential issues. Once the team is confident with the set up, the merch shop will roll out to all creators and made available to you once you have at least one series with 500 subscribers.
Currently the items available are mostly tops, a sweatpant, and tote. But if the program proves to be successful, more items may be added in the future!

As for the Amazon T shirt shop program, that has been discontinued for this new program.

Very excited to see that Printful do worldwide shipping. Brexit has made shipping any merch outside the UK horrifically expensive, so I'd been pretty much resigned to the idea that any Errant merch might well need to be UK only.

Time to start designing those Errant rainbow ghost totes!:hype_01:

Thought it was really cool, but it doesn't have that Zazzle feature where you're able to add Pay-ee's. That way the app just automatically splits the money between you and the people that worked on the comic. You'd think they'd include it; especially for a webcomic app. I mean not EVERYONE draws their own comic. Sometimes it's a team effort.

So yeah, I guess I won't be using it.

1 month later

closed Apr 12, '22

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