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May 2017

Hello all! So, I've been collecting Tapas Snacks Quotes, by screen printing them ( on the app ), and then I started wondering " Does every people in Tapastic gets a different quote in the same day? Or are they the same for everyone? "
And then I got curious, so I created this topic! Also, if you've been collecting Tapas Snacks, post your favorite one here!
So far, I think this one is my favorite.

What's yours?

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    May '17
  • 2


  • 1.1k


  • 2


  • 1


I've seen this one before, so that means they're either pulling the quotes out of a pool and everyone gets a different one from the same list of quotes or the quote for everyone is decided on daily.

I haven't thought of collecting them though so I don't have a favorite one so far, but this is a good idea.

Ohh, I see :open_mouth: . Well, I started collecting them, because I enjoy reading inspiring quotes once in awhile. Thank you btw!!! X)