540 / 872
May 2017

B.O.O.M. (Band of Outrageous Misfits)1

Issue #2 is out now!

If you've got an issue you hire B.O.O.M.

Jack, Reg and Iswell are at your service. A group of highly chaotic problem-solvers that'll get the job done one way or another... no matter how hard you plead them to stop.

My comic, Dregs6 posts twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Nudist gives sewer workers a hard time

The Vast1

We had this comic here before but needed to take some time to get everything in order. So we are back.

Here we have the vast, a dark gap in which monster crawl out of and attack unsuspecting people. Did your mother ever tell you there are no such things as monsters?..Well she was wrong.

Creatura Series (5 titles)

I've created a whole "verse" so to speak. It surrounds a young planet that is going through it's first crisis. The god of the planet, a stone known as the "Creatura", is shattered which is followed by War. It involves Human Size Mech Suits in short.

Thank you for making this thread! I found a bunch of good comics I hadn't heard of before. smile


My comic is Spellbreak & Fiend2. It's a fantasy story about a girl who doesn't want to be an evil pawn, and the mean jerks who end up helping her.

When you gotta spam, you gotta spam.
DAWN OF THE DAD2 is about a very stressed teen girl with an undead father who cares about her too much. Imagine being 15, and your dad can pass through walls. Yeah.

16 days later

I have two, both horror comedies -

The three of my comics combined just recently broke the 200 mark, but each individually is still somewhat obscure lol I've got 2 alt-history sci-fi stories and a political cartoon, and I'm working on another one I plan to put out in the coming year. Any and all feedback is appreciated :smiley:

Hi everyone!~ Imma just drop this here :slight_smile: Hope you guys have an awesome day

The Thicket Fence is new. It's a fantasy story that borrows a lot from dnd and fantasy movies.

The Thicket is a tangle of twisting branches and sharp thorns, an enchanted barrier at the ends of the Suncrest Woods protecting good woodland folk from goodness knows what waiting behind it.

14 days later