581 / 872
Jul 2017

Hello :smiley:
So I'm new here on Tapas and i was looking for a way to show people my comic ^^

WARNING! This comic is a twisted BL story

17-year-old Sammy wakes up in a hospital, to learn that his parents are dead. He has no more family in this world … or at least that’s what he thought.

I hope you like it, theres not much ... yet, but i will post a page veryweek :smiley:

Here here! Still under 100 :smiley:

My manga Death ward!

Aidan is, in many ways an average office worker... except that his office resides in the underworld, and his job description is banishing lost and corrupt souls, and his boss is a grumpy grim reaper! What's so difficult about that right? Well pretty much everything.

Get ready for a story full of action, drama and comedy with a dash of black humor!


Hello, I just started my first BL comic "I Feel You1". It's about two boys studying at the film academy... with a bit unusual interests- gay interest of course ;>. Still not much there but thanks for checking it out! If you don't like this kind of topics just ignore it. ;p

A superhero comic revolving around a team of ten heroes who protect their city from danger. Each and every one of them has problems and aren't as civil as they come. You got aliens, cyborgs, imaginary friends etc.

My first book done for Despicable Heroes - COMPLETED - A fun silly video game parody of sorts

My second and currently working on story for Despicable Heroes. It's more on the mature side with a bit of gore.

My friend and I just started our first webcomic last week.

It's a sci-fi about a girl made of light and an alien who have to save the universe, which blew up.

~ Morgan

Wow shameless advertising is really fun! Hi all.

Mine!! :slight_smile:
Actually right now is under remodeling lol. But feel free to check it out

Here is my comic, just me living with girls (for 23 yeas, not that sexy though)

Haha alright, here's mine! Although its a novel:

I only have four subscribers, so I'm definitely below 200, hehe. I just started posting this morning, though, so I think four is actually pretty good?

No worries, I have about a tenth of that. Here's what I currently have going:

Boom, there it is lol. That's my comic, I write for it constantly since it's the only real reason I get up in the morning now. It's become my main escape besides animation. It's about a part time ice cream parlor owner, full time demon hunter named "Landon Marks" and it takes place in a dark, sci-fi inspired world called "Pergato" which, has become overrun by demons, and he and his friends are trying to figure out why this is happening.

I've been doing this comic for years and it's never quite caught on (largely thanks to my sporadic upload schedule but partly because it might not be everyone's cup of tea). It's currently a large way through it's third chapter and around 80 pages in total.

It has been described as "Criminally under-subscribed" in the past. It's a comic set in the 1950s of a fantasy setting (played largely straight, though I could probably ham it up more) about four ancient immortals trying to keep the world in check.

Third chapter will be finished this very week!

Just joined tapas and just starting out, please feel free to check it out.

Gag, comedy and full of troll to come.