638 / 872
Oct 2017

Hello everyone! I'm Jammy and I've just started posting my comic on this site, though I've been working on it for a while now. It's called The Back o' Beyond3 and is a fantasy/romance about two reluctant pirates who must try to survive and find a way to prevent a great power from falling into the wrong hands.

Thanks! ^w^

Hi everyone!

I'm pretty new to the forums but wanted to share my relatively new motion comic Power POP6 about a trio of delinquent brothers trapped in an arcade machine who are trying to get back home.

hello one month now and would like for my comic to get some more love

it's a story that starts cute and then goes dark just to go back to nice and cute again
if you wouldn't mind please come and say hi =D

I started up an Inktober series as an experiment:

And while I'm not following the prompts, I am making a story out of it.

My main series also has fewer than 200 subscribers:

And my other experimental series still has fewer than 200 subscribers:

Here's mine. It's my first story driven series, updates on Monday and Fridays. I'm absolutely open to constructive criticism!

I have 16 subs. I think my comic is well below 200 it is called .Cucumber Defense4. My comic is about demons, more specific Japanese Yokai. The main character is a Kappa--basically a human sized turtle that pulls children under the water. They are basically to help prevent kids from swimming in the rivers and deep water. The main character is a normal Kappa, but doesn't want to eat humans like they normally do. He wants friends and is headed out on an adventure after a voice in his head starts telling him where to go.

Check it out and if you have any ideas please message me. Thank You.4

I have four comics under the 200 sub mark.

I'm one of the writers in the Oddly Vanilla anthology group (Find our stuff here > Oddly Vanilla)

We're running a series of short stories that were converted from traditional medium to digital right now. After we clear that queue, there are two long running series slated to launch early next year! Please stop by, comment, comment, comment. Our group is still getting used to digital publishing and the more feedback we get the better content we can produce.

Hope everyone enjoys readin it as much as I enjoy writing my first novel. Feed by is appreciated.

14 days later

My comic is at 98 subs and it's been here at Tapas for nearly 6 months! Still folks here are wonderful and great supporters.
My story is a sci-fi romance about a girl dreams of boy and boy dreams of girl. And a whole lot of stuff in the middle! :wink:

Yep, always looking for more wonderful peeps!

I have Low-Tier Jane, a gag-a-day strip about Jane, the wimpiest girl on the face of the planet, and her struggles with success and friendship. Based on newspaper strips of the past.

I'll take part in this!

My Comic is Brainslug1 -- It's the adventures of two kids and their homicidal pet bunny!

It's currently updating daily and will continue doing so for a while as I catch the Tapas up to where I am now in the comic's storyline, I have a bit of a backlog.

Hello everyone!

There is so much great work here :heart_eyes:
Trying to check as much of it out as I can!

My comic is a murder-mystery set in a fantasy world where three royal families fight for power... Very Avatar & Game of Thrones inspired! Just recently decided to make it all in colour too... Kingdom of Awakening3